桑絹野螟(Glyphodes pyloalis)是(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員,分布於日本、中國、臺灣、越南、緬甸、印度與斯里蘭卡等地。本種的前翅為橘黃色底,亞基線為黑色,下方有一塊白斑,內線為黑色,沿內線靠基部方向有一條白線,中線為黑色,附近有兩個橢圓形白斑,內線與中線、中線與外線中央各有一大塊白斑,亞外緣線為黑色,於近頂角處向外尖出,靠亞外緣線內側有一條白線,亦於近頂角處向外尖出,外緣有一條白線;後翅亦為橘黃色底,基部2/3為白色,中線為黑色,後中線則為不連續的兩段暈開線條,外緣有一條白線。本屬的介紹與近似種的區分方式請參考本網誌文章─構樹絹野螟 (Glyphodes duplicalis)。此外,桑絹野螟在認識臺灣的昆蟲19一書中雖有提到該名字,然而圖片卻誤植為構樹絹野螟。圖中個體來自集集特生中心,採於2011年4月。
A Brief Introduction
Glyphodes pyloalis represents one of the most common Glyphodes species in Taiwan and its larvae feed on Morus spp. Differences between G. pyloalis and G. duplicalis are described in the following article: Glyphodes duplicalis.
2011年10月29日 星期六
Piletocera aegimiusalis (Walker, 1859) 黃線腫角野螟

A Brief Introduction
Piletocera aegimiusalis represents one of the two Piletocera species in Taiwan and could be easily identified by the wing pattern of forewing and hindwing.
Neomusotima fuscolinealis Yoshiyasu, 1985 黑線新蕨螟

A Brief Introduction
As one of the only two Neomusotima species in the world, N. fuscolinealis is an unrecorded species in Taiwan and originally distributed in Janpan and Hong Kong. Wing pattern of the two species is quite similar so that male and female genitalia comparison is the most reliable method two identify them.
Solis MA, Yen SH, Goolsby JH. 2004. Species of Lygomusotima new genus and Neomusotima Yoshiyasu (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from Australia and Southeastern Asia feeding on Lygodium microphyllum (Schizaeaceae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 97(1):64-76.
Yoshiyasu Y. 1985. A systematic study of the Nymphulinae and the Musotiminae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Scientific Reports of the Kyoto Prefectural
University (Agriculture) 37: 1-162.
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