松村氏淺翅鳳蛾(Epicopeia hainesii matsumurai)是鳳蛾科(Epicopeidae)的成員,本亞種目前僅知分布於臺灣中央山脈海拔500-2000公尺的山區(Yen, Mu & Jean, 1997)。本種的頭胸腹部背面黑色,足為紅色,腹部腹面黑紅相間,雄蟲櫛齒較雌蟲發達,前翅前緣、外緣與赤脈為黑色,雄蟲翅形較雌蟲狹長,後翅外緣為黑色,靠頂角處有尾凸,M1和M2脈延伸入尾凸,靠外緣有一排紅斑,個體顏色變異甚大,前後翅可從白色底到黑色底。鳳蛾屬(Epicopeia)在臺灣僅紀錄2種,兩者之間的差異可參考本網誌的另一篇文章─榆鳳蛾。淺翅鳳蛾(Epicopeia hainesii)分布於中國、韓國、日本與臺灣,目前共有4個亞種,中韓為E. h. sinicaria,日本有E. h. hainesii和E. h. tsushimana兩個亞種,臺灣則為松村氏淺翅鳳蛾(Inoue 1978, Endo & Kishida 1999)。本種成蟲主要發生於4-10月(時空分布模式可參考連結),根據文獻推測一年兩代(Yen, Mu & Jean, 1997),幼生期可參考以下連結─松村氏淺翅鳳蛾幼蟲。圖中個體來自南投縣仁愛鄉尖台林道,2015年5月。
A Brief Introduction
Epicopeia is an astonishing genus share high similarity of wing pattern with some Troidini species. E. hainesii matsumurai represents one member of this genus and could be easily distinguished from E. mencia by only one row of red markings near termen.
Endo T and Kishida Y, 1999. Day-Flying Moths: Chalcosiinae, Epicopeia. Endless Collection Series 8. Tokyo: Endless Science Information. 119 pp.
Inoue H, 1978. Genus Epicopeia Westwood from Japan, Korea and Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Epicopeidae). Tyô to Ga (Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan) 29(2): 69-75.
Yen SH, Mu JH and Jean JL, 1995. The life histories and biology of Epicopeiidae of Taiwan. Tyô to Ga (Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan) 46: 175–184.
2015年11月29日 星期日
2015年11月28日 星期六
Acosmeryx anceus subdentata Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 姬缺角天蛾
姬缺角天蛾(Acosmeryx anceus subdentata)是天蛾科(Sphingidae)長喙天蛾亞科(Macroglossinae)的成員,本亞種分布於印度南方與東方、尼泊爾、不丹、泰國、中國西南方、越南、馬來西亞、印尼、菲律賓與臺灣,在臺灣則僅知分布於綠島和蘭嶼(王效岳,1996;傅建明和徐渙之,2009),在本島可能有機會被發現。本種全身以紅褐到灰褐為底色,頭部背方有一個半橢圓型的黑斑,胸部與腹部背方有深褐色花紋,前翅為紅褐到灰褐色底,基線、亞基線與內線為深褐色,僅剩靠前緣處有一小段,內中線深褐色,彎曲直達後緣,中線深褐色,上方有深褐色寬斜帶延伸至亞外緣,和由前緣延伸下來的亞外緣線圍出一個灰白色三角形,外緣與R5脈處向外凸出,與頂角夾出一個「缺角」,外緣於M3處亦明顯凸起,後翅基部為灰色,外中線至外緣為紅褐色。缺角天蛾屬(Acosmeryx)全世界共記錄14種(Kitching & Cadiou, 2000),臺灣則有其中的4種,頂角的缺角是該屬成員的特徵。在臺灣的四種缺角天蛾中,姬缺角天蛾與半緣缺角天蛾(Acosmeryx castanea)最為近似,兩者可由以下特徵區分(見下圖,左為後者,右為前者):1.前者體型甚小,展翅寬54-66mm左右,後者則在75-91mm;2.前者前翅外緣於M3處凸起,後者則較為平直(Pittaway & Kitching, 2011)(綠色虛線);3.前者基線、亞基線與內線直達後緣,半緣
A Brief Introduction
In Taiwan, Acosmeryx anceus subdentata represents one of the four Ascomeryx species, and is only distributed in Lanyu and Green Island. Its wing patern is very close to Acosmeryx castanea, but could be identified from the following characters: 1. smaller wing span (54-66mm); 2. M3 protruding on the termen of forewing (green line).
Kitching IJ & Cadiou JM, 2000. Hawkmoths Of The World: An Annotated And Illustrated Revisonary Checklist (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), x + 227pp., 8 pls. Ithaca & London, USA & UK: Cornell University Press.
Pittaway AR & Kitching IJ, 2011. Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic (including Siberia, the Russian Far East, Mongolia, China, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula and Japan). (http://tpittaway.tripod.com/china/t_sil.htm)
2015年9月12日 星期六
Choreutis xanthogramma (Meyrick, 1912) 黃翅桑舞蛾
黃翅桑舞蛾(Choreutis xanthogramma)是舞蛾科(Choreutidae)舞蛾亞科(Choreutinae)的成員,目前被歸屬於basalis種群,分布於日本、臺灣、菲律賓、新幾內亞與卡伊群島(Kei Isalnd)。本種的頭部與前胸背方為黃色,處角約前翅長的3/4,黑黃相間;中胸與後胸背方為黑色,前翅短而寬,黑色底,中央有一條米黃色帶,靠外緣有一條黃色帶,兩條色帶中間有黃色條紋,後翅為黑色底,基部有黃色條紋;腹部背方黑黃相間。黃翅桑舞蛾在臺灣僅有一近似種,相關介紹請參考本網誌文章─基紋桑舞蛾。幼蟲主要取食稜果榕,根據目前紀錄來看是一年多化的種類,主要出現於5-10月,推測全島平地到低海拔山區皆有分布。圖中的個體來自南投縣集集鎮特有生物研究保育中心,2014年8月。
A Brief Introduction
Choreutis xanthogramma represents one of the 11 Choreutis species in Taiwan and shares similar wing pattern with C. basalis. The former could be identified from the later by the three yellow bands on the forewing.
Arita Y, 1987. Taxonomic studies of the Glyphipterigidae and Choreutidae (Lepidoptera) of Japan. The Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 18(1-2): 1-244.
王效岳、朴奎澤和有田豊,2000. 認識台灣的昆蟲20: 長角蛾科、穀蛾科、麥蛾科和其他一些小蛾類。252頁。台北市:淑馨出版社。(P.205)
Diakonoff A, 1986. Microlepidoptera Palaearctica Seventh Volume: Glyphipterigidae auctorum sensu lato (Glyphipterigidae sensu Meryrick, 1913). 435pp. Braun: Karlsruhe.
A Brief Introduction
Choreutis xanthogramma represents one of the 11 Choreutis species in Taiwan and shares similar wing pattern with C. basalis. The former could be identified from the later by the three yellow bands on the forewing.
Arita Y, 1987. Taxonomic studies of the Glyphipterigidae and Choreutidae (Lepidoptera) of Japan. The Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 18(1-2): 1-244.
王效岳、朴奎澤和有田豊,2000. 認識台灣的昆蟲20: 長角蛾科、穀蛾科、麥蛾科和其他一些小蛾類。252頁。台北市:淑馨出版社。(P.205)
Diakonoff A, 1986. Microlepidoptera Palaearctica Seventh Volume: Glyphipterigidae auctorum sensu lato (Glyphipterigidae sensu Meryrick, 1913). 435pp. Braun: Karlsruhe.
2015年9月9日 星期三
Endotricha luteogrisalis Hampson, 1896 寬黃帶歧角螟
寬黃帶歧角螟(Endotricha luteogrisalis)是螟蛾科(Pyralidae)螟蛾亞科(Pyralinae)的成員,分布於不丹、中國(海南、江西、雲南)與印度,在臺灣為尚未發表的新紀錄種。本種的體軀為黃色,前翅為紫紅色底,翅基為黃色,內中線與亞外緣線為黑色,內中線至亞外緣線間有黃色寬帶,顧而得名,緣毛於靠頂角處有一段為白色,其餘為黑色,後翅亦為紫紅色底,內線與中線為黑色,內線至中線間有黃色寬帶,緣毛於外緣靠臀角處為白色,其餘黑色。截至目前為止,歧角螟屬(Endotricha)已知超過100種,廣布於古北區、東方區與非洲區,臺灣物種的狀況可參考本網誌另一篇文章─欖綠歧角螟。本屬成員翅紋大多相近,鑑定時大多需要輔以生殖器特徵,然而寬黃帶歧角螟前後翅皆具佔翅面積1/2以上的黃帶,是其他種類沒有的重要辨識與鑑定特徵。王双双(2004)在她的碩士論文裡首次提及本種產於大陸,雖然照理來說非正式發表,惟目前尚未檢視到後續文章有提到新紀錄一事(Wang & Li, 2005; Sun & Li, 2012)。同時,王双双的論文裡亦首次描述了寬黃帶歧角螟的雌性生殖器,然而正式發表則遲至Sun & Li (2012)的文章。但是,在比對Whalley (1963)發表的全世界岐角螟總述後,筆者發現Sun & Li文章中的寬黃帶歧角螟標本顯然與正模標本完全不同,因此該文中的雌性生殖器是否確實為寬黃帶歧角螟仍有待進一步確認。圖中個體來自宜蘭縣南澳鄉台9線139.6K,2015年6月採。
A Brief Introduction
As one species of the divese genus, Endotricha, E. luteogrisalis is known to be distributed in Bhutan, Northern India & China and new to the Taiwan fauna. Although the wing patterns of Endotricha are quite similar, this spcies is well characterized by the wide band on fore- and hindwing.
Sun Y & Li H, 2012. Five new species and three new females of the genus Endotricha Zeller from China (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyralinae). Zookeys 214: 29–42.
Wang SS & Li HH, 2005. A taxonomic study on Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Pyralinae) in China. Insect Science 12: 297-305.
Whalley PES, 1963. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Entomology) 13: 397-453, 37pls.
A Brief Introduction
As one species of the divese genus, Endotricha, E. luteogrisalis is known to be distributed in Bhutan, Northern India & China and new to the Taiwan fauna. Although the wing patterns of Endotricha are quite similar, this spcies is well characterized by the wide band on fore- and hindwing.
Sun Y & Li H, 2012. Five new species and three new females of the genus Endotricha Zeller from China (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyralinae). Zookeys 214: 29–42.
Wang SS & Li HH, 2005. A taxonomic study on Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Pyralinae) in China. Insect Science 12: 297-305.
Whalley PES, 1963. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Entomology) 13: 397-453, 37pls.
2015年3月28日 星期六
Acrolepiopsis suzukiella (Matsumura, 1931) 鈴木偽菜蛾
鈴木偽菜蛾(Acrolepiopsis suzukiella)是雕翅蛾科(Glyphipterigidae)偽菜蛾亞科(Acrolepiinae)的成員,目前僅知分布於日本本州、四國與九州,在臺灣則為未正式發表的新紀錄種。本種的頭頂黃色立起的鱗片,觸角為絲狀;胸部背方為橘黃色,前胸至中胸有三條黑色線,前翅為橘黃色底,前緣有四條白色線,頂角下方凹入,凹入處有一條白線,前緣白色線條下方有灰黑色陰影區,上有一塊黑斑與一條黑線,後緣靠臀角處白色小斑,中央有一條較粗的白色線,後翅灰黑色,基部顏色較淡;腹部黑色,末端有黃色鱗片。在過去,偽菜蛾亞科曾經為獨立的科,後來被降階為雕翅蛾科下的亞科。文獻上臺灣目前僅記錄2種偽菜蛾,其中偽菜蛾屬(Acrolepiopsis)僅發現1種─A. brevipenella。根據原始描述(Moriuti, 1972),A. brevipenella的翅紋與生殖器皆與鈴木偽菜蛾相當不同,外觀上至少可由以下特徵加以區分:前者頭頂為灰色,後者為黃色。雖然在臺灣目前未知是否有其他與鈴木偽菜蛾近似的物種,但日本至少還有另外2種翅紋近似的種類,這3種必須藉由生殖器解剖才能正確鑑定(Yasuda, 2000)。偽菜蛾屬目前已知大多取食薯蕷科植物,圖中個體則是2015年2月從花蓮迴頭彎上某種山藥上發現的幼蟲飼養而來,飼養紀錄可參考連結,除此之外的標本或照片記錄不明。
A Brief Introduction
Up to date, only two species of Acrolepiinae are recorded in Taiwan and Acrolepiopsis suzukiella is the third and unpublished. Although A. suzukiella is quite different from the other two acrolepid species, there are two allied species in Japan and potentially in Taiwan. For this reason, genitalia dissection is necessary for Identification.
Moriuti S. 1972. Seven new species of Acrolepiidae from Japan and Formosa Lepidoptera. Kontyu 40(4): 243-254.
Yasuda K. 2000. A new species of the genus Acrolepiopsis Gaedike (Lepidoptera: Acrolepiidae) injurious to Chinese yam and its closely allied species from Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology 35(4): 419-425.
A Brief Introduction
Up to date, only two species of Acrolepiinae are recorded in Taiwan and Acrolepiopsis suzukiella is the third and unpublished. Although A. suzukiella is quite different from the other two acrolepid species, there are two allied species in Japan and potentially in Taiwan. For this reason, genitalia dissection is necessary for Identification.
Moriuti S. 1972. Seven new species of Acrolepiidae from Japan and Formosa Lepidoptera. Kontyu 40(4): 243-254.
Yasuda K. 2000. A new species of the genus Acrolepiopsis Gaedike (Lepidoptera: Acrolepiidae) injurious to Chinese yam and its closely allied species from Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology 35(4): 419-425.
2015年3月2日 星期一
Psecadioides tanylopha (Meyrick, 1932) 褐羽蕈蛾
褐羽蕈蛾(Psecadioides tanylopha)是蕈蛾科(Tineidae)櫛蕈蛾亞科(Euplocaminae)的成員,分布於臺灣與日本琉球群島。本種頭部前額與頭頂佈滿褐色豎起的鱗片,下唇鬚發達,第二節有一排向前方立起的鱗片,然而側方沒有剛毛狀鱗片和雄蟲觸角雙櫛齒狀,這兩個特徵與大多數蕈蛾不同;胸部與腹部背方為褐色,前翅黑色與黃褐色鱗片交雜,前緣有七條短米黃線,靠基部六條兩兩成對,後翅為黑褐色,基部略微半透明。櫛蕈蛾亞科共包含兩個屬,分別是櫛蕈蛾屬(Euplocamus)與羽蕈蛾屬(Psecadioides),各有10種與5種,主要分布於歐亞大陸、中國─喜馬拉雅山麓(China-Himalayan)、臺灣與日本(Huang et al., 2010)。本亞科與其他蕈蛾最大得不同在於觸角雌雄二型,雄蟲雙櫛齒狀,雌蟲絲狀。羽蕈蛾屬原本是單模屬,僅包含日本產的一種,而後Huang et al.(2010)重新檢討本亞科的分類地位後,加入了另外四種,分布範圍擴大至中國─喜馬拉雅山麓(China-Himalayan)、臺灣與日本。褐羽蕈蛾原先被置於櫛蕈蛾屬,而後因為雄蟲生殖器特徵處理為現用屬下的一種,模式產地為屏東縣春日鄉浸水營,除了正模標本以外,僅日本琉球群島發現了另外4隻標本,皆為雄蟲,雌蟲形態未知。由於羽蕈蛾屬中僅有本種前後翅皆為褐色基調,因此筆者建議並使用其中文名為「褐羽蕈蛾」。圖中的個體採於屏東縣春日鄉浸水營古道入口附近,2012年3月,採集時雄蟲於白天飛舞,推測為日行性,亦會趨光(Huang, per. com.)。
A Brief Introduction
As one of the Euplocaminae members, Psecadioides tanylopha shares at least the following synapomorphies with the others: 1. lateral bristle on 2nd labial palpus absent; 2. antennae bipectinate in male and filiform in female. Psecadioides tanylopha could be easily identified from the wing pattern and male genitalia even though the similarity mentioned above.
Huang G., Hirowatari T. & Wang M. 2010. A review of the China-Himalayan members of the subfamily Euplocaminae (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Tineidae). Zootaxa 2511: 1–21.
Further Reading
王效岳、朴奎澤和有田豊,2000。認識台灣的昆蟲20: 長角蛾科、穀蛾科、麥蛾科和其他一些小蛾類。252頁。台北市:淑馨出版社。(P.36)
A Brief Introduction
As one of the Euplocaminae members, Psecadioides tanylopha shares at least the following synapomorphies with the others: 1. lateral bristle on 2nd labial palpus absent; 2. antennae bipectinate in male and filiform in female. Psecadioides tanylopha could be easily identified from the wing pattern and male genitalia even though the similarity mentioned above.
Huang G., Hirowatari T. & Wang M. 2010. A review of the China-Himalayan members of the subfamily Euplocaminae (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Tineidae). Zootaxa 2511: 1–21.
Further Reading
王效岳、朴奎澤和有田豊,2000。認識台灣的昆蟲20: 長角蛾科、穀蛾科、麥蛾科和其他一些小蛾類。252頁。台北市:淑馨出版社。(P.36)
2015年1月16日 星期五
Scaptesyle bicolor integra Swinhoe, 1894 細緣雙色蝶苔蛾
細緣雙色蝶苔蛾(Scaptesyle bicolor integra)是裳蛾科(Erebidae)燈蛾亞科(Arctiinae)苔蛾族(Lithosiini)的成員,本亞種分布於印度(阿薩姆)與臺灣,目前呈現間斷分布,推測在中國南方也有機會被發現(Yen & Yang, 1997)。本種的頭部為黑色,觸角亦為黑色,前胸背方為鮮黃色,中胸與後胸為黑色,腹部最末節有白色鱗片叢,前翅為黑色底,中央有一塊黃色帶,後翅僅亞外緣至外緣為黑色,其餘為黃色。本屬目前全世界約有20餘種,全部分布於東方區,並向蘇拉維西、菲律賓與新幾內亞延伸,前翅黃色的底色以及前緣斑紋內側有一到兩個鋸齒是其重要的辨識特徵(Holloway, 2001)。細緣雙色蝶苔蛾在臺灣的紀錄最早由Yen & Yang (1997)發表,翅紋十分特殊,本地無其他近似種。本種為日行性,會於日間訪花,目前已知的標本與發現紀錄甚少,根據目前的標本紀錄,主要發生於北部低海拔山區,如坪林、烏來,出現於11月和2月。圖中個體採於福山植物園,2014年10月,物種發生資訊由慕光之城蛾友─王伍提供。
A Brief Introduction
As the only species of Scaptesyle in Taiwan, S. bicolor integra is with remarkable black-yellow wing pattern and could be easily distinguished from the other Lithosiini in Taiwan. S. bicolor integra might be a relatively rare species and distributed in India (Assam) and Nothern Taiwan.
Holloway JD, 2001. The Moths of Borneo Part 7: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae. Malayan Nature Journal 55: 279-486.(P.400)
Yen SH and Yang PS, 1997. Scaptesyle bicolor integra Swinhoe, a new addition to Lithosiinae (Arctiidae) of Taiwan. Tinea 15(2): 94-100.
Palpita annulifer Inoue, 1996
Palpita annulifer是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員,分布於印度、泰國、臺灣、蘇門答臘、婆羅洲、爪哇與菲律賓等地。在臺灣,本種的翅紋與彎囊絹鬚野螟、長鋏絹鬚野螟非常相似,然而仍可藉由前後翅圓斑較另外兩種發達作為初步區分的辨識特徵,尤其是腎紋(discal mark,紅色箭頭),延伸至CuA2脈。雖然國內外有多個物種十分相似,雄蟲與雌蟲生殖器特徵仍是Palpita annulifer和其他近似種能夠加以區分的依據,因此鑑定時仍建議以生殖器為主,翅紋特徵為輔。圖中個體來自南投日月潭慈恩塔,取食桂花,2014年8月。
A Brief Introduction
Palpita annulifer represents one of the 10 Palpita species in Taiwan and could be preliminarily identified from P. hypohomalia and P. homalia by the more developed round marking of fore wing and hind wing, especially discal mark of fore wing extended to CuA2.
Inoue H, 1996. Revision of the genus Palpita Hübner (Crambidae: Pyraustinae) from the Eastern Palaearctic, Oriental and Australian Region. Part 1. Tinea 15 (1): 12-46.
2015年1月15日 星期四
Parathitarodes changi Ueda, 1999 張氏蝠蛾
張氏蝠蛾(Parathitarodes changi)是蝙蝠蛾科(Hepialidae)中的一員,目前僅知分布於臺灣,根據標本紀錄,阿里山(2,270m,正模標本產地)、雪山369山莊與鞍馬山等地皆有族群。本種的頭胸腹部為較淺的黃褐色,觸角短,但較其他蝙蝠蛾長,前翅方型,有別於多數蝙蝠蛾的刀狀,翅紋主要為黃色與黑色斑駁交雜,前緣有數枚黃斑,後緣中央有時會有半圓弧型黃斑,後翅為黑色底,中室靠基部鱗片較少,外緣緣毛黑黃相間。Parathitarodes為一單種屬,由Ueda於1999年建立,被推測與Thitarodes近緣,但可由以下特徵區分:1.額唇基強烈隆起;2.下唇鬚最末節延長;3.抱器瓣狹長,呈桿狀,基部沒有尖突。相較於臺灣產的其他蝙蝠蛾,張氏蝠蛾是較為小型的種類,目前紀錄主要為中高海拔山區,然而翅紋變異甚大,鑑定時宜輔以解剖生殖器。Ueda將本種的種小名以已故的張保信老師為名,故中文名為「張氏(changi)」。圖中的個體來自小風口,2009年7月。
A Brief Introduction
Parathitarodes established by Dr. Ueda in 1999 is a monobasic genus from Taiwan only up to date. The only species of Parathitarodes, P. changi, was named after Bao-Sing Chang and could be identified preliminarily from its rectangular shape of forewing and elongated distal segment of labial palpa.
Thanks for the id and further information from Dr. John Grehan.
本文感謝美國的 John Grehan協助鑑定與提供相關資訊。
Ueda K., 1999. A new monobasic Hepialid genus from Taiwan (Insecta: Lepidoptera; Hepialidae) with a redescription of Hepialus arizanus Matsumura. Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History 18: 137-146.
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