櫻背旋蛾(Anacampsis anisogramma)是旋蛾科(Gelechiidae)背旋蛾亞科(Anacampsinae)背旋蛾族 (Anacampsini)的成員,分布於韓國、日本、中國與臺灣。本種的頭部到胸部背方為灰褐色,複眼橘紅色,下唇鬚黃褐色,前翅為灰褐色底,靠翅頂1/3為黑色,外緣近頂角處有一塊三角形白斑,並向下延伸白線,白斑大小有個體變異,後翅形狀方而寬,為黑褐色,無其他翅紋,腹部背方為褐色。背旋蛾屬(Anacampsis)全世界約50種,廣泛分布於舊大陸與新大陸,東亞地區有11種(Park & Ponomarenko, 2007),臺灣僅記錄一種,即本種。櫻背旋蛾原本置於Compsolechia下,而後根據雄蟲生殖器特徵被轉入Anacampsis (Park, 1988),幼蟲主要取食櫻屬植物。本種在臺灣的紀錄最早由Park等人(2000)描述,無近似種,翅紋與紅色的複眼是重要的辨識特徵,目前確切的標本紀錄來自烏來與陽明山。圖中個體產自臺北市大屯國小,2012年9月。
A Brief Introduction
Anacampsis anisogramma represents the only species of Anacampsis and is characteristic by the red
eyes, yellow-brownish palpae and the white triangular marking on the costa of forewing,
Park KT, 1988. Systematic study on the genus Anacampsis (Lep., Gelechiidae) in Japan and Korea. Tinea 12(16): 135-155.
Park KT, Lee SM & Lee JS, 2000. New faunistic data of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) in Taiwan, with description of a new species. Insecta Koreana 17(3): 181-192.
Park KT & Ponomarenko MG, 2007. Gelechiidae of the Korean Peninsula and Adjacent Territories (Lepidoptera). In Pakr KT (eds), Insects of Korea, series 12. 312pp.
2016年12月11日 星期日
2016年12月3日 星期六
Nanola hluchyi Laszlo, Ronkay & Witt, 2010 白斑棕瘤蛾
A Brief Introduction
Nanola hluchyi represents one of the 11 Nanola species in the world and the only species of the genus in Taiwan. This species shares no similar wing pattern with the other species and could be easily identified by the white markings in the base and apex of forewing.
László GM, Ronkay G and Witt T, 2010. Contribution to the Nolinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) fauna of North Thailand. Esperiana 15: 7–125.
Kononenko VS and Pinratana A, 2013. Moth of Thailand Vol. 3, Part 2. Noctuoidea: An illustrated Catalogue of Erebidae, Nolidae, Euteliidae and Noctuidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in Thailand. Thailand: Brothers of St. Gabriel. Bangkok. 625 pp.
László, GM, Ronkay G & Ronkay LA, 2015. Contribution to the knowledge on the Palaearctic and Oriental taxa of the Meganola s.l. (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Nolidae, Nolinae) generic complex with descriptions of 4 new genera and 11 new species. Zootaxa 4052(3): 251–296.
Mesophleps sublutiana (Park, 1990) 刺槐莢旋蛾
刺槐莢旋蛾(Mesophleps sublutiana)是旋蛾科(Gelechiidae)背旋蛾亞科(Anacampsinae)背旋蛾族 (Anacampsini)的成員,分布於韓國、中國與臺灣。本種的頭部、胸部與腹部第一二節背方為米黃色帶灰色調,腹部其他節為灰色,前翅狹長,米黃色帶灰色調,前緣由基部算起約前翅長2/5處到頂角有黑褐色線,後翅方正而長,頂角明顯突出,灰黑色底,基部顏色較淡。莢旋蛾屬(Mesophleps)全世界目前已知約38種(Li & Sattler, 2012),主要分布於古北區,非洲區與中美洲亦有分布;在臺灣目前僅知一種,即本種,惟分布於東亞的白線莢旋蛾(M. albilinella)亦有機會分布於臺灣,只是目前尚未被記錄,兩者可由前翅前緣的黑褐色斑紋加以區分,後者的黑色斑紋寬而明顯,且靠頂角附近有一條白線穿過黑斑。莢旋蛾屬幼蟲目前已知取食豆科的莢果(李,2002),故名之,而刺槐莢旋蛾則是以其寄主取名。刺槐莢旋蛾原本被置於Brachyacma下(Park, 1990),模式產地為韓國,Li & Zheng(1995)將之轉入Mesophleps,直到2000年才被Park等人正式紀錄分布於臺灣,引證標本來自蓮華池(1997年11月),而圖中的標本則來自花蓮和平林道,2015年4月,另外2016年9月也於同樣地點採獲另一份標本。
A Brief Introduction
In Taiwan, Mesophleps sublutiana is the only species of Mesophleps, a genus with about 38 species in the Palaearctic Region, South Africa and Central America. M. sublutiana shares no similar wing pattern with the other gelechiid moth here, so it could be easily identified.
Park KT, 1990. Three New Species of Genera Brachyacma Meyrick and Aristotelia Hübner (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae). Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 29(2): 136-143.
Li HH and Zheng ZM, 1995. New species and new records of the genus Mesophleps Hübner (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) from Kenya and China. Journal of Northwest Forestry College 10(4): 27-35.
Park KT, Lee SM & Lee JS, 2000. New faunistic data of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) in Taiwan, with description of a new species. Insecta Koreana 17(3): 181-192.
Li HH & Sattler K, 2012. A taxonomic revision of the genus Mesophleps Hübner, 1825 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Zootaxa 3373: 1-82.
2016年4月13日 星期三
Terthreutis jiangae Buchsbaum & Chen, 2013 江氏斑筒捲蛾
江氏斑筒捲蛾(Terthreutis jiangae)是捲蛾科(Tortricidae)捲蛾亞科(Tortricinae)黃捲蛾族(Archipini)的成員,目前僅之分布於臺灣,模式標本來自梅峰,目前尚未正式紀錄梅峰以外的產地。本種的身體為灰白色,前翅為黃褐色底,前緣有一排黑色短線,翅基靠前緣有一塊銀黑色斑,亞基線到內線位置靠後緣有一大塊橙褐色斑,橙褐色斑中央靠後緣有橙黃色斑,中室端部下方有一塊灰黑色斑,灰黑色斑下方有一條橙褐色帶,中室端靠外緣有一塊橙褐色圓斑,翅端有一塊橘黃色斑,橘黃色斑和圓斑之間有灰黑色帶,後翅為灰色底,無其他翅紋;停棲時前翅翅端靠橘黃色斑處向內凹,使外觀看起來像圓桶狀。斑筒捲蛾(Terthreutis)全世界目前已知13種,分布於東方區,臺灣目前已知3種(Razowski, 2008; Buchsbaum & Chen, 2013)。根據Buchsbaum & Chen (2013)的原始描述,江氏斑筒捲蛾與其他種類翅紋上最大的差異在於前翅中室端靠外緣的橙褐色近圓形,惟不論是Buchsbaum & Chen (2013)或Razowski (2008)都未比較來自大陸的樣本。此外,原始描述中提及雌性生殖器交配囊(corpus bursae)沒有囊突(signum),然而原始文獻的圖與筆者的解剖結果皆顯示本種有囊突。本屬在中國的中名為斑捲蛾屬,然而本屬的翅紋與停棲時圓桶狀的外形非常特殊,故筆者與吳士緯博士討論後,建議將本屬的中文名建議取為斑筒捲蛾。江氏斑筒捲蛾的「江氏」來自種名的jiangae,是兩位作者以他們的好朋友─江秀真小姐的姓氏取名,然而Buchsbaum & Chen (2013)的研究在摘要裡卻將種名誤拼為jingae,導致網路上有許多資料皆誤引用為Terthreutis jingae。圖中個體採自杉林溪,2013年5月,是本種的第二個產地。
A Brief Introduction
Terthreutis is a tortricid genus with 13 species up to date distributed in oriental region, and there are three species known to be recorded in Taiwan. T. jiangae represents one of the three Taiwanese Terthreutis species and is characteristic by the orange-brownish round marking near the end of the forwing cell.
Buchsbaum U & Chen MY, 2013. A new Terthreutis Meyrick, 1918 species from Taiwan (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae): Contribution to the moths of Taiwan 51. Entomofauna 34(26): 349-356.
Razowski J, 2008. On two South Asian genera Ceramea Diakonoff and Terthreutis Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Polish Journal of Entomology 77(4): 283-299.
2016年3月20日 星期日
Endotricha metacuralis Hampson, 1916 後黃帶歧角螟
後黃帶歧角螟(Endotricha metacuralis)是螟蛾科(Pyralidae)螟蛾亞科(Pyralinae)的成員,目前僅知分布於臺灣(Whalley, 1961)。本種的身體主要為黃褐色,頭頂為黃色,前翅翅基到內線為黃褐色,內線為黃色,靠前緣膨大成黃斑,有些個體黃斑會向亞外緣線延伸,內線到亞外緣線之間為黃褐色底夾雜紫紅色鱗片,中室頂端有黑色弦月斑,亞外緣線為淡黃色,外緣線黑色,靠臀角處不連續,緣毛主要為黃色,在頂角與M2-CuA1之間為黑色,後翅為紫紅色底,內線與外線為黑色,中間有鮮黃色帶,惟個體間的寬窄與形狀略有變異,外緣有黑色短緣毛和黃色長緣毛。臺灣歧角螟屬(Endotricha)的介紹可參考本網誌的另外三篇文章─寬黃帶歧角螟、黃帶歧角螟和欖綠歧角螟。後黃帶歧角螟目前尚未發現近似種,前翅的黃色內線與後翅的黃色帶是很明顯的辨識特徵,故中文名以後翅具寬黃帶的特徵取名為後黃帶歧角螟,傅建明和左漢榮(2004)在鞍馬山的蛾2一書中圖版37所示的Endotricha olivacealis即為本種的誤鑑定。根據目前標本檢視與網路上停棲照資訊,本種主要發生於臺灣中海拔山區,圖中雄性個體來自奧萬大,2014年3月,雌性個體則來自梅峰農場,2013年5月。
A Brief Introduction
Endotricha metacuralis represents one of the 10 Endotricha species and is known to be distributed in Taiwan only up to date. The yellow line on the forewing and yellow band on the hindwing are two major diagnostic characters of this species and share with no other species in Taiwan.
Whalley PES, 1961. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Entomology) 13(11): 395-454, pls. 1–37.
A Brief Introduction
Endotricha metacuralis represents one of the 10 Endotricha species and is known to be distributed in Taiwan only up to date. The yellow line on the forewing and yellow band on the hindwing are two major diagnostic characters of this species and share with no other species in Taiwan.
Whalley PES, 1961. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Entomology) 13(11): 395-454, pls. 1–37.
2016年3月14日 星期一
Carpatolechia nephomicta (Meyrick, 1932)
Carpatolechia nephomicta是旋蛾科/麥蛾科(Gelechiidae)旋蛾亞科(Gelechiinae)Litini族的成員,分布於日本與朝鮮半島南部,臺灣則是尚未正式紀錄的產地。本種的身體為灰褐色與黃褐色鱗片交雜,前翅底色為黃褐色與灰褐色交雜,前緣約1/2處有一塊黑色梯形斑,靠翅基處有一條黑色寬斜帶,後翅頂角凸出,灰褐色底,無其他翅紋。Carpatolechia在全世界共記錄約16種,主要分布於歐洲與亞洲,與Pseudotelphusa、Teleiodes和Neotelphusa非常近似,在外觀上無法區別,僅能依靠雄蟲生殖器判斷歸屬於何類群。該屬雖然在臺灣目前僅記錄1種─C. flavipunctatella,然而臺灣的旋蛾科已知物種屬級變動仍待釐清,因此物種總數可能還有變動。此外,Carpatolechia nephomicta在Sakamaki (2013)的研究中被處理為Pseudotelphusa,惟作者語帶保留,認為屬級地位仍有待釐清,本文參考Park & Ponomarenko (2007)與Lee & Brown (2008)對屬級的定義後,採用Park & Ponomarenko (2007)的分類處理,將本種視為Carpatolechia下的一員。此外,本屬的族級地位在Lee & Brown (2008)的研究中被處理為Teleiodini,本文亦先採用Park & Ponomarenko (2007)的分類處理,待未來分類架構穩定後再做修正。C. nephomicta的翅紋與C. nigrifasciata目前無法區分,必須借由生殖器解剖才能鑑定,雖然後者目前尚未於臺灣被發現,但無法排除存在的可能性。圖中的個體採於尖台林道,2013年5月採。
A Brief Introduction
Carpatolechia nephomicta, originally distributed in Japan and southern Korea, is a gelechid species new and recorded in Taiwan fauna. Carpatolechia shows close affinity with Pseudotelphusa, Teleiodes and Neotelphusa. Here, the taxonomic status proposed by Park & Ponomarenko (2007) is followed. Carpatolechia nephomicta shares very similar wing pattern with C. nigrifasciata, and it is difficult to tell them apart except comparison of male and female genitalia.
Lee S & Brown RL, 2008. Revision of holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Zootaxa 1818: 1-55.
Park KT & Ponomarenko MG, 2007. Gelechiidae of the Korean Peninsula and Adjacent Territories (Lepidoptera). In Pakr KT (eds), Insects of Korea, series 12. 312pp. (P.112)
Sakamaki Y, 2013. Gelechiidae. in Hirowatari T, Nasu Y, Sakamaki Y & Kishida Y (eds), The Standard of Moths in Japan III. Japan: Gakken Education. 359pp.
A Brief Introduction
Carpatolechia nephomicta, originally distributed in Japan and southern Korea, is a gelechid species new and recorded in Taiwan fauna. Carpatolechia shows close affinity with Pseudotelphusa, Teleiodes and Neotelphusa. Here, the taxonomic status proposed by Park & Ponomarenko (2007) is followed. Carpatolechia nephomicta shares very similar wing pattern with C. nigrifasciata, and it is difficult to tell them apart except comparison of male and female genitalia.
Lee S & Brown RL, 2008. Revision of holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Zootaxa 1818: 1-55.
Park KT & Ponomarenko MG, 2007. Gelechiidae of the Korean Peninsula and Adjacent Territories (Lepidoptera). In Pakr KT (eds), Insects of Korea, series 12. 312pp. (P.112)
Sakamaki Y, 2013. Gelechiidae. in Hirowatari T, Nasu Y, Sakamaki Y & Kishida Y (eds), The Standard of Moths in Japan III. Japan: Gakken Education. 359pp.
2016年3月6日 星期日
Endotricha similata (Moore, 1888) 尖突歧角螟
尖突歧角螟(Endotricha similata)是螟蛾科(Pyralidae)螟蛾亞科(Pyralinae)的成員,分布於緬甸、中國、臺灣、印度與斯里蘭卡(Wang & Li, 2005)。本種的身體為紅褐色,腹部末端為黃色,前翅基部到內線為黑褐色,內線為白色,內線至亞外緣線為紅褐色底,靠前緣與內線有黃色斑,沿前緣有米黃色小斑點,亞外緣線內側為黑色,外側為白色,於M2-M3之間內凹,M3-CuA2之間向外突出,亞外緣至外緣為紫紅色,外緣為黑色不連續短線,緣毛於M3-CuA2為黑色,其餘為黃色,後翅基部到內線為黑褐色,內線為白色,內線至外線為灰褐色底,外線為黑-白-黑組成,外線至外緣為紫紅色底帶有黑色鱗片,外緣為黑色不連續短線,緣毛於CA1-CuA2為黑色,其餘為黃色。臺灣歧角螟屬(Endotricha)的介紹可參考本網誌的另外三篇文章─寬黃帶歧角螟、黃帶歧角螟和欖綠歧角螟。尖突歧角螟、黃帶歧角螟與欖綠歧角螟的翅紋近似,可由以下特徵與後兩種加以區別:1.前翅亞外緣線於M3內凹;2.後翅於CuA2有明顯的折角,使後翅外觀上看起來較其他種類更接近梯形。尖突歧角螟在過去的研究裡(Whalley, 1961; Yamanaka, 1992)的研究裡並未提到產於臺灣,直到Wang & Li (2005)對中國歧角螟屬的綜論研究中才提到,然而未有標本引證紀錄。根據目前的資料,本種在臺灣主要產於中高海拔山區,圖中個體來自高雄市桃源區天池,2015年11月。
A Brief Introduction
Endotricha similata was first recorded in Taiwan in the study of Wang & Li (2005). This species shares similar wing pattern with E. mesenterialis & E. olivacealis, and could be identified by the following characters: 1. subterminal line curved inward in M3 vein; 2. termen of hindwing curved in CuA2 strongly.
Wang SS & Li HH, 2005. A taxonomic study on Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Pyralinae) in China. Insect Science 12: 297-305.
Whalley PES, 1961. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Entomology) 13(11): 395-454, pls. 1–37.
Yamanaka H, 1992. Pyralidae. In Heppner JB & Inoue H. (eds.), Lepidoptera of Taiwan: Vol. 1 Part 2: Checklist. Scientific Publishers Inc., Gainesville, USA.
A Brief Introduction
Endotricha similata was first recorded in Taiwan in the study of Wang & Li (2005). This species shares similar wing pattern with E. mesenterialis & E. olivacealis, and could be identified by the following characters: 1. subterminal line curved inward in M3 vein; 2. termen of hindwing curved in CuA2 strongly.
Wang SS & Li HH, 2005. A taxonomic study on Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Pyralinae) in China. Insect Science 12: 297-305.
Whalley PES, 1961. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Entomology) 13(11): 395-454, pls. 1–37.
Yamanaka H, 1992. Pyralidae. In Heppner JB & Inoue H. (eds.), Lepidoptera of Taiwan: Vol. 1 Part 2: Checklist. Scientific Publishers Inc., Gainesville, USA.
2016年3月5日 星期六
Endotricha mesenterialis (Walker, 1859) 黃帶歧角螟
黃帶歧角螟(Endotricha mesenterialis)是螟蛾科(Pyralidae)螟蛾亞科(Pyralinae)的成員,分布於中國、日本、緬甸、馬來西亞、印尼、印度與斯里蘭卡(Whalley, 1961; 李后魂等, 2009)。本種的身體紫紅色到深褐色,前翅翅基到內線為黑褐色,內線為白色,內線到亞外緣線主要為紅褐色到紫紅色,有些個體會有程度不同的黃斑,變異甚大,亞外緣線內側為白色,外側為黑色,鋸齒狀,亞外緣線至外緣為紫紅色,外緣線為黑色,頂角下方與CuA1-臀角的緣毛為黃色,後翅基部到內線為黑褐色,內線為白色,內線到外線主要為紅褐色到紫紅色,有些個體會有程度不同的黃斑,變異甚大,外線為白色,外線至外緣為紫紅色,外緣線為黑色,緣毛為黃色。歧角螟屬(Endotricha)的雄蟲一般肩片發達,會向後延伸到腹部,而黃帶歧角螟更是本屬裡特別發達的種類。本屬的其他介紹可參考本網誌的另外兩篇文章─寬黃帶歧角螟和欖綠歧角螟。在臺灣,黃帶歧角螟與欖綠歧角螟的翅紋非常近似,且變異都甚大,雖然李后魂等(2009)曾提及後者無黃色個體,然而筆者在檢視特有生物研究保育中心的標本並解剖比較後發現臺灣兩種皆同時具有黃色斑紋且變異程度不一的個體,因此是否具備黃斑無法用於區分兩物種。根據筆者目前的比對結果,兩種僅能藉由以下兩個特徵約略區分:1.大小:黃帶歧角螟雄蟲展翅寬17-18mm,雌蟲14-15mm,欖綠歧角螟雄蟲展翅寬14-18mm,雌蟲15-20mm;2.後翅翅紋:黃帶歧角螟的內線與外線之間距離較欖綠歧角螟窄,且靠前緣處未向外擴張。即使如此,仍有少數個體無法從上述兩個特徵判斷,必須藉由生殖器比較才能確定,遑論直接由停棲照辨識。黃帶歧角螟被分為三個亞種(Whalley, 1961),然而Whalley並未指定臺灣產族群為何亞種,而該亞種處理也未被後續中國與日本的相關文獻接受,因此本文暫時不使用亞種名,惟根據地理位置判斷,臺灣產族群應歸屬於原名亞種。圖中個體採自宜蘭縣南澳鄉,2013年12月。
A Brief Introduction
Endotricha mesenterialis represents one of the 10 Endotricha species in Taiwan and shares very similar wing pattern with E. olivacealis. It is hard to distinguish E. mesenterialis from E. olivacealis by just a simple photo, and the genitalia comparison is necessary for identification.
Whalley PES, 1961. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Entomology) 13(11): 395-454, pls. 1–37.
A Brief Introduction
Endotricha mesenterialis represents one of the 10 Endotricha species in Taiwan and shares very similar wing pattern with E. olivacealis. It is hard to distinguish E. mesenterialis from E. olivacealis by just a simple photo, and the genitalia comparison is necessary for identification.
Whalley PES, 1961. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Entomology) 13(11): 395-454, pls. 1–37.
2016年2月28日 星期日
Endotricha consocia (Butler, 1879) 併脈歧角螟蛾
併脈歧角螟(Endotricha consocia)是螟蛾科(Pyralidae)螟蛾亞科(Pyralinae)的成員,分布於日本、中國、韓國與臺灣。本種的身體為黃褐色,前翅為橙褐色底,翅基到內線為橄欖綠帶褐色,內餡為白色,亞外緣線外側黑色,內側白色,亞外緣至外緣為紫紅色,緣毛基部紫紅色,末端白色,後翅為橙褐色底,翅基為橄欖綠帶褐色,中線為白色,緣毛基部紫紅色。歧角螟屬(Endotricha)的介紹可參考本網誌的另外兩篇文章─寬黃帶歧角螟和欖綠歧角螟。併脈歧角螟與E. ruminalis的翅紋十分近似,僅後翅翅紋略有差異,目前仍須藉由標本檢視與解剖進行物種鑑定。圖中個體來自於花蓮天祥,2010年4月。
A Brief Introduction
Endotricha consocia represents one of the eight Endotricha species and shares quite similar wing pattern with E. ruminalis so that specimen examination is necessary for identification.
Whalley PES, 1961. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Entomology) 13(11): 395-454, pls. 1–37.
2016年2月16日 星期二
Endotricha minialis (Fabricius, 1794) 玫紅歧角螟
玫紅歧角螟(Endotricha minialis)是螟蛾科(Pyralidae)螟蛾亞科(Pyralinae)的成員,分布於中國、韓國、日本、臺灣與印尼的婆羅洲和爪哇等地方。本種身體與前後翅為橘紅色底,前翅前緣有一排白色斑,內線與亞外緣線為橘黃色,亞外緣線到外緣為紫紅色,靠頂角下方緣毛為白色外,其餘為紫紅色,後翅內線與外線為橘黃色,外線到外緣為紫紅色,緣毛為白色。歧角螟屬(Endotricha)的介紹可參考本網誌的另外兩篇文章─寬黃帶歧角螟和欖綠歧角螟。玫紅歧角螟的翅紋較其他臺灣產種類單純,除了可由翅紋作初步區分外,發達的下唇鬚上舉超過頭頂則是另一個其他歧角螟沒有的重要鑑定特徵。玫紅歧角螟過往文獻中普遍使用Endotricha portialis這個學名,如:Whalley(1961)、李后魂等人(2009)等,然而Robinson等人(1994)報導了該學名為Endotricha minialis的同物異名,因此後續的文獻陸續改為採用Endotricha minialis。圖中個體採自宜蘭縣南澳鄉蘇花公路139K,2013年10月。
A Brief Introduction
Endotricha minialis, which is known as E. portialis before, represents one of the eight Endotricha species and could be diagnostic by wing markings and labial palpa upturned over head crown.
Robinson GS, Tuck KR, Shaffer M and Cook K, 1994. The smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur. 308pp.
Whalley PES, 1961. A revision of the world species of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bulletin of the British Museum of natural History (Entomology) 13(11): 395-454, pls. 1–37.
Lee B, Byun B and Bae Y, 2007. Taxonomic study of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyralinae) from Korea. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 58(1):7-17.
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