Carpatolechia nephomicta是旋蛾科/麥蛾科(Gelechiidae)旋蛾亞科(Gelechiinae)Litini族的成員,分布於日本與朝鮮半島南部,臺灣則是尚未正式紀錄的產地。本種的身體為灰褐色與黃褐色鱗片交雜,前翅底色為黃褐色與灰褐色交雜,前緣約1/2處有一塊黑色梯形斑,靠翅基處有一條黑色寬斜帶,後翅頂角凸出,灰褐色底,無其他翅紋。
C. flavipunctatella,然而臺灣的旋蛾科已知物種屬級變動仍待釐清,因此物種總數可能還有變動。此外,
Carpatolechia nephomicta在Sakamaki (2013)的研究中被處理為
Pseudotelphusa,惟作者語帶保留,認為屬級地位仍有待釐清,本文參考Park & Ponomarenko (2007)與Lee & Brown (2008)對屬級的定義後,採用Park & Ponomarenko (2007)的分類處理,將本種視為
Carpatolechia下的一員。此外,本屬的族級地位在Lee & Brown (2008)的研究中被處理為Teleiodini,本文亦先採用Park & Ponomarenko (2007)的分類處理,待未來分類架構穩定後再做修正。
C. nephomicta的翅紋與
C. nigrifasciata目前無法區分,必須借由生殖器解剖才能鑑定,雖然後者目前尚未於臺灣被發現,但無法排除存在的可能性。圖中的個體採於尖台林道,2013年5月採。

A Brief Introduction
Carpatolechia nephomicta, originally distributed in Japan and southern Korea,
is a gelechid species new and recorded in Taiwan fauna.
Carpatolechia shows close affinity with
Teleiodes and
Neotelphusa. Here, the taxonomic status proposed by Park & Ponomarenko (2007) is followed.
Carpatolechia nephomicta shares very similar wing pattern with
C. nigrifasciata, and it is difficult to tell them apart except comparison of male and female genitalia.
Lee S & Brown RL, 2008. Revision of holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Zootaxa 1818: 1-55.
Park KT & Ponomarenko MG, 2007. Gelechiidae of the Korean Peninsula and Adjacent Territories (Lepidoptera). In Pakr KT (eds), Insects of Korea, series 12. 312pp. (P.112)
Sakamaki Y, 2013. Gelechiidae. in Hirowatari T, Nasu Y, Sakamaki Y & Kishida Y (eds), The Standard of Moths in Japan III. Japan: Gakken Education. 359pp.