暗雲叢野螟(Neoanalthes nebulalis)是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員,目前僅知分布於臺灣(Yamanaka, 1993; Du & Li, 2008)。本種的頭胸腹部背方為黃褐色,前翅為黃褐色底,前緣有一條黑色帶由翅基延伸至約1/2處,基線為黑褐色,內線為黑褐色,於M+Cu交會處向外折,中室中央有一枚黑褐點,腎紋黑褐色,外線黑褐色,於CuA2像基部彎折,R5、M1-M3、CuA1-CuA2脈在外線與亞外緣線之間有黑色斑包圍,亞外緣線為黑褐色,後翅為黃褐色底,基部顏色較淡,外中線為黑褐色,頂角為黑褐色。叢野螟屬(Neoanalthes)目前全世界共紀錄8種,分布於中國、韓國、俄國遠東地區、臺灣和馬來西亞,各物種之間翅紋非常相似,必須藉由比對生殖器特徵鑑定;臺灣僅紀錄其中一種,即本種。叢野螟屬由Yamanaka & Kirpichnikova (1993)建立,模式種為Pilocrocis contortalis。暗雲叢野螟原本被鑑定為Pilocrocis contortalis,並由Shibuya (1928)依據下唇鬚特徵轉入Eurrhyparodes屬。後來相關研究多數參考前述研究使用Eurrhyparodes contortalis的學名組合(Matsumura, 1931; Klima, 1939; Wang, 1980; Park, 1993; Bae, 2001),Yamanaka (1992)則將之處理為Analthes contortalis。然而Yamanaka & Kirpichnikova (1993)在他們的研究裡比較來自俄國、馬來西亞與臺灣的材料後,建立叢野螟屬,並依據一份雄蟲標本作為正模把臺灣的族群獨立為新種─Neoanalthes nebulalis;Du & Li (2008)在中國的叢野螟分類研究中,根據來自臺北的雌蟲標本,首次描述雌性生殖器。暗雲叢野螟在臺灣沒有近似種,易於區分,目前僅知分布於南投、高雄、臺北與宜蘭低山區,圖中個體於2014年7月採於宜蘭南澳。
A Brief Introduction
Neoanalthes nebulalis represents one of the eight Neoanalthes species in the world and the only species in Taiwan. It shares no similar wing pattern with the other crambid moths in Taiwan.
Neoanalthes nebulalis Yamanaka & Kirpichnikova, 1993
Neoanalthes nebulalis Yamanaka & Kirpichnikova, 1993, Tinea 13(25): 258; Du & Li, 2008, Dtsch. Entomol. Z., 55(2): 299-300.
Eurrhyparodes contortalis: Shibuya, 1928, J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Imp. Univ., 22:182, pl.8:22; Matsumura, 1931, 6000 Illust. Insects Japan-Empire: 1036, fig.; Klima, 1939, in Bryk, Lepid. Cat., (89): 37(part.). nec. Hampson, 1900.
Analthes contortalis: Yamanaka, 1992, in Heppner & Inoue, eds., Lepid. Taiwan, 1(2): 85. nec. Hampson, 1900.
Bae YS, 2001. Lepidoptera (Pyraloidea: Pyraustinae & Pyralinae). Economic Insects of Korea 9. Insecta Koreana Sullement 16: 1-244.
Du X and Li H, 2008. Review of the genus Neoanalthes Yamanaka & Kirpichnikova from China (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Spilomelinae), with descriptions of five new species. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 55(2): 291-301.
Shibuya J, 1928. The systematic study on the Formosan Pyralidae. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University 22(1): 1-300.
Klima A, 1939. Pyralidae: subfam. Pyraustinae I. In Bryk F (ed.), Lepidopterum Catalogus 89: 1-224.
Park KT, 1993. Pyralidae and Thyrididae (Lepidoptera) from Korea. Korean Journal of Entomology 32(2): 151-167.
Wang PY, 1980. Economic Insect Fauna of China (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Science Press, Beijing, Fasc. 21: 229pp.
Yamanaka H, 1992. Crambidae: Pyraustinae. In Heppner JB & Inoue H. (eds.), Lepidoptera of Taiwan: Vol. 1 Part 2: Checklist. Scientific Publishers Inc., Gainesville, USA.
Yamanaka H and Kirpichnikova VA, 1993. Neoanalthes, a new genus for Pilocrocis contortalis Hampson (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyraustinae), with descriptions of new species from Malaysia and Taiwan. Tinea 13(25): 253-259.