Mesophleps sublutiana)是旋蛾科(Gelechiidae)背旋蛾亞科(Anacampsinae)背旋蛾族 (Anacampsini)的成員,分布於韓國、中國與臺灣。本種的頭部、胸部與腹部第一二節背方為米黃色帶灰色調,腹部其他節為灰色,前翅狹長,米黃色帶灰色調,前緣由基部算起約前翅長2/5處到頂角有黑褐色線,後翅方正而長,頂角明顯突出,灰黑色底,基部顏色較淡。莢旋蛾屬(
Mesophleps)全世界目前已知約38種(Li & Sattler, 2012),主要分布於古北區,非洲區與中美洲亦有分布;在臺灣目前僅知一種,即本種,惟分布於東亞的白線莢旋蛾(
M. albilinella)亦有機會分布於臺灣,只是目前尚未被記錄,兩者可由前翅前緣的黑褐色斑紋加以區分,後者的黑色斑紋寬而明顯,且靠頂角附近有一條白線穿過黑斑。莢旋蛾屬幼蟲目前已知取食豆科的莢果(李,2002),故名之,而刺槐莢旋蛾則是以其寄主取名。刺槐莢旋蛾原本被置於
Brachyacma下(Park, 1990),模式產地為韓國,Li & Zheng(1995)將之轉入
A Brief Introduction
In Taiwan,
Mesophleps sublutiana is the only species of
Mesophleps, a genus with about 38 species in the Palaearctic Region, South Africa and Central America.
M. sublutiana shares no similar wing pattern with the other gelechiid moth here, so it could be easily identified.
Park KT, 1990. Three New Species of Genera
Brachyacma Meyrick and
Aristotelia Hübner (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae). Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 29(2): 136-143.
Li HH and Zheng ZM, 1995. New species and new records of the genus
Mesophleps Hübner (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) from Kenya and China. Journal of Northwest Forestry College 10(4): 27-35.
Park KT, Lee SM & Lee JS, 2000. New faunistic data of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) in Taiwan, with description of a new species. Insecta Koreana 17(3): 181-192.
Li HH & Sattler K, 2012. A taxonomic revision of the genus
Mesophleps Hübner, 1825 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Zootaxa 3373: 1-82.