2011年11月30日 星期三
Catocala macula (Hampson, 1891) 斑裳夜蛾
斑裳夜蛾(Catocala macula)是廣義夜蛾科(Noctuidae sensu lato)裳蛾亞科(Erebinae)的成員,廣泛分布於印度、臺灣、泰國、巽他大陸(Sundaland),另有一個亞種分布於錫蘭與蘇拉維西。本種的前翅為黑褐色底,中央至基部雜有大塊灰白色斑,基線、亞基線僅剩前緣一小塊黑斑,內中線於前緣處擴大成黑斑,並延伸至中央,中室頂端的腎紋為黃色,外圍有一圈白色,外中線為大波浪狀折線;後翅為黃色底,中室頂端有一個黑點,在外中線至亞外緣之間的區域,有一黑帶自頂角向下延伸至近臀角處,黑帶近臀角處有一小段縊縮。裳夜蛾屬(Catocala)在全北區(Holarctic)的多樣性非常高,熱帶與亞熱帶相對較少;在臺灣共記錄13種,各種之間可由前翅與後翅翅紋加以區分,尤其是後翅翅紋較為穩定,斑裳夜蛾與其他臺灣產同屬種類則可藉由較為狹長的前翅、灰白色的前翅底色與後翅翅紋加以區分。圖中標本產於臺8線131K,停棲照攝於大漢山林道20K。
A Brief Introduction
Catocala, a noctuid genus, is very diverse in Holarctic region and with a few species distributed in tropical and subtropical region. C. macula represents one of the 13 Catocala species in Taiwan and could be identified by narrow forewing and the wing pattern of hindwing.
Holloway JD, 2005. The Moths of Borneo: Family Noctuidae, subfamily Catocalinae. Malayan Nature Journal 58: 1-529.
2011年11月29日 星期二
Dichomeris oxycarpa (Meyrick, 1935)

A Brief Introduction
In Taiwan, Dichomeris oxycarpa represents one of the 32 Dichomeris species and the only member of oxycarpa species-group. It shares similar wing pattern with no other species.
Park KT and Hodges RW, 1995. Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) of Taiwan III: systematic revision of the genus Dichomeris in Taiwan and Japan. Insecta Koreana 12: 1-101.
王效岳、朴奎澤和有田豊,2000. 認識台灣的昆蟲20: 長角蛾科、穀蛾科、麥蛾科和其他一些小蛾類。252頁。台北市:淑馨出版社。(P85)
2011年11月25日 星期五
Saptha angustistriata (Issiki, 1930) 紫帶閃舞蛾
紫帶閃舞蛾(Saptha angustistriata)是舞蛾科(Choreutidae)的成員,目前僅知分布於臺灣。本種的前翅為深褐色底,前緣與外緣有黑色邊,基部有三條橫向金屬綠色線條,內中線有兩條不連續的金屬綠色線條,中線有一條黑線,黑線靠基部有一條金屬藍色線條,靠外緣有一條金屬紫色線條,亞外緣有一條金屬紫色帶;後翅為黑褐色,靠前緣有一小塊灰色斑,無其他翅紋;頭部背方為黑色,有兩條白色條紋;胸部背方為紅褐色,中央、兩側肩片各有一條金屬綠色線條;腹部為灰褐色,每節都有藍色環紋。閃舞蛾在臺灣的分類現況與其中兩種同屬種類請參考本網誌文章─Saptha divitiosa Walker, 1864 叉紋閃舞蛾與Saptha beryllitis (Meyrick, 1910) 綠紋閃舞蛾 。紫帶閃舞蛾雖然在臺灣無近似種,但與廣泛分布於中南半島與南洋群島的S. cypridia (Meyrick, 1910)翅紋幾乎沒有差異。由於本屬各種間的翅紋差異頗為明顯且穩定,因此這兩種之間的分類關係還有待進一步釐清,在有進一步結果前本文先暫時使用S. angustistriata。圖中個體採於屏東縣牡丹鄉石板屋遺址,2011年10月。
A Brief Introduction
In Taiwan, Saptha angustistriata represents one of the four Saptha species and could be easily identified by wing pattern from the other species. However, another species, S. cypridia, which is widely distributed in SE Asia shares quite similar wing patter with this species. More comparisons of genitalia between the two species are necessary to clarify the taxonomic status of them.
王效岳、朴奎澤和有田豊,2000. 認識台灣的昆蟲20: 長角蛾科、穀蛾科、麥蛾科和其他一些小蛾類。252頁。台北市:淑馨出版社。(P.206)
Robinson GS, Tuck KR, Shaffer M. and Cook K, 1994. The smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur. (P.112)
A Brief Introduction
In Taiwan, Saptha angustistriata represents one of the four Saptha species and could be easily identified by wing pattern from the other species. However, another species, S. cypridia, which is widely distributed in SE Asia shares quite similar wing patter with this species. More comparisons of genitalia between the two species are necessary to clarify the taxonomic status of them.
王效岳、朴奎澤和有田豊,2000. 認識台灣的昆蟲20: 長角蛾科、穀蛾科、麥蛾科和其他一些小蛾類。252頁。台北市:淑馨出版社。(P.206)
Robinson GS, Tuck KR, Shaffer M. and Cook K, 1994. The smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur. (P.112)
2011年11月23日 星期三
Autocharis amethystina Swinhoe, 1894

A Brief Introduction
Autocharis amethystina represents the only species of Autocharis in Taiwan and shares no similar wing pattern with the other moths.
Yamanaka H. 1998. Pyralidae of Nepal (II). In Haruta, T. (ed.) Moths of Nepal, part 5. Tinea. 15 (Suppl. 1): 99-116.
2011年11月13日 星期日
Drapetodes mitaria Guenée, 1857 細紋黃鉤蛾
細紋黃鉤蛾(Drapetodes mitaria)是鉤蛾科(Drepanidae)鉤蛾亞科(Drepaninae)的成員,從印度分布到臺灣(緬甸、馬來西亞等)與新加坡。本種的前翅外緣圓滑,不若典型鉤蛾於頂角有鉤狀凸出,淡黃褐色底,前緣至外緣為鮮黃色,內中線位置有兩條黃褐色折線,中室頂端有兩個黑點,外中線位置亦有三條黃褐色折線,亞外緣有一條寬褐褐帶與一排銀藍色長點;後翅亦為淡黃褐色底,亞基線為黃褐色,內中線位置有兩條黃褐色線,內中線至外中線中間有一條寬灰褐色帶,後中線有二條黃褐色線,亞外緣有一排銀藍色長點,外緣為鮮黃色。本屬(Drapetodes)主要分布於東方區的熱帶地區,除了兩種各自分布於爪哇與錫蘭的種類以外;臺灣目前僅記錄一種,即本種,亦為模氏種。細紋黃鉤蛾在臺灣沒有近似種,因此辨識上不成問題,唯可能會誤認為尺蛾。圖中個體採於集集,2011年8月。
A Brief Introduction
Drapetodes mitaria represents the type species of Drapetodes. In Taiwan, It is the only species of that genus and could be identified easily by wing pattern.
Holloway JD, 1998. The moths of Borneo: families Castniidae, Callidulidae, Drepanidae and Uraniidae. The Malayan Nature Journa. 52: 1-155, 317 figs., 10 pls.
A Brief Introduction
Drapetodes mitaria represents the type species of Drapetodes. In Taiwan, It is the only species of that genus and could be identified easily by wing pattern.
Holloway JD, 1998. The moths of Borneo: families Castniidae, Callidulidae, Drepanidae and Uraniidae. The Malayan Nature Journa. 52: 1-155, 317 figs., 10 pls.
Syllepte taiwanalis (Shibuya, 1928) 臺灣捲葉野螟
臺灣捲葉野螟(Syllepte taiwanalis)是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員,分布於。本種的前翅為淡黃色底,前緣為黑色,基線、亞基線、內中線、中線與外中線為黑色,內中線呈K字型,外中線於M2-CuA2之間向外凸出,外中線至外緣為黑色;後翅亦為淡黃色底,中線為黑色旋月型,外中線黑色,於M2-CuA2之間向外凸出,外緣為黑色。捲葉野螟屬(Syllepte)被認為是一個垃圾桶屬("dustbin" genus,常指外觀相似一群物種被放於同一個屬中,然而卻未被仔細比對其成員之間彼此的親緣關係是否形成一單系群),全世界包含了約500種,其中100種分布於SE Asia,而臺灣則紀錄了其中的4種。雖然臺灣捲葉野螟在臺灣沒有同屬的近似種類,而國外產其他同屬之不同物種在翅紋上也有差異,惟辨識時仍須仔細比對翅紋。此外,王效岳的認識臺灣的昆蟲19一書中,P209頁所介紹的物種雖然是Nosophora euryterminalis(現用組合為Analthes euryterminalis),但所圖示的標本卻是Syllepte taiwanalis。圖中個體採於惠蓀林場,2011年8月。
A Brief Introduction
Syllepte taiwanalis represents one of the four species of Syllepte, a dustbin genus, in Taiwan and could be identified by wing pattern.
A Brief Introduction
Syllepte taiwanalis represents one of the four species of Syllepte, a dustbin genus, in Taiwan and could be identified by wing pattern.
2011年11月11日 星期五
Cirrhochrista brizoalis 圓斑黃緣禾螟蛾
圓斑黃緣禾螟蛾(Cirrhochrista brizoalis)是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae) brizoalis種群的成員,廣泛分布於日本、臺灣、中國、馬來西亞、印尼、印度與澳洲等地。本種的前翅為白色底,前緣與外緣為橘黃色,橘黃色內有黑色線條,外緣的黑色線條為鋸齒狀,前緣有三個凸起之橘色三角形;後翅亦為白色底,外緣中段為橘黃色,靠內側有黑色線條;胸、腹部背方為白色,中央有一條橘黃色寬帶;下唇鬚白而長。有關本屬與進似種之間的介紹與辨識方式請參考本網誌文章:Cirrhochrista spinuella Chen, Song & Wu, 2006 單棘黃緣禾螟蛾。本種廣泛分布於臺灣全島低海拔山區,圖中個體產於屏東縣平板屋遺址,採於2011年10月。
A Brief Introduction
Cirrhochrista brizoalis represents one of the five Cirrhochrista species in Taiwan and shares quite similar wing pattern with another unrecorded species in Taiwan. The character used to recognize them have been introduced in the following article: Cirrhochrista spinuella Chen, Song & Wu, 2006.
Chen FQ, Song SM & Wu CS, 2006. A review of genus Cirrhochrista Lederer in China (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Schoenobiinae). Oriental Insects. 40: 97-105.
A Brief Introduction
Cirrhochrista brizoalis represents one of the five Cirrhochrista species in Taiwan and shares quite similar wing pattern with another unrecorded species in Taiwan. The character used to recognize them have been introduced in the following article: Cirrhochrista spinuella Chen, Song & Wu, 2006.
Chen FQ, Song SM & Wu CS, 2006. A review of genus Cirrhochrista Lederer in China (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Schoenobiinae). Oriental Insects. 40: 97-105.
Pseudidonauton chihpyh Solovyev, 2009 知本細刺蛾
知本細刺蛾(Pseudidonauton chihpyh)是刺蛾科(Limacodidae)的成員,目前僅知分布於臺灣。本種的前翅為黃褐色底,基部為黑褐色,靠外緣方向邊緣(內中線位置)有一條白線,中線為黑色,外緣有一長黑斑自頂角延伸至外緣約一半處;後翅亦為黃褐色底,頂角下方有一塊小深褐色斑。細刺蛾屬(Pseudidonauton)是晚近才發表的屬,由Holloway在1986年以P. admirabile為模式種所建立,主要分布於印度至巽他大陸(Sundaland),目前已紀錄6種;臺灣則直到2009年才由Solovyev正式紀錄本屬的種類─即本文介紹的物種。知本細刺蛾的翅紋特殊,在臺灣刺蛾科中無近似種;國外產物種以P. bhaga與P. siamica的翅紋與之最為相近,但可由以下兩個前翅翅紋特徵區別:1.本種的中線約位於前緣黃褐色部份的中央,而另外兩種則非常靠近基部黑褐色斑紋;2.本種外緣的長黑斑延伸至外緣約一半處,而另外兩種則占少於1/3的外緣長度。知本細刺蛾的正模標本產於南投惠蓀林場,副模標本則產於台東知本溫泉,亦為其種小名的由來("chihpyh"可能為知本"chihpen"的誤拼)。圖中個體採於屏東縣牡丹鄉石板屋遺址,2011年10月。
A Brief Introduction
Pseudidonauton chihpyh represents the only species of Pseudidonauton distributed in Taiwan and shares similar wing pattern with no species of Limacodidae here.
Holloway JD. 1986. The Moths of Borneo: Key to families; families Cossidae, Metarbelidae, Ratardidae, Dudgeoneidae, Epipyropidae and Limacodidae. The Malayan Nature Journal 4: 1-166.
Solovyev AV. 2009. Notes on South-East Asian Limacodidae (Lepidoptera, Zygaenoidea) with one new genus and eleven new species. Tijdschirft voor Entomologie 152: 167-173.
A Brief Introduction
Pseudidonauton chihpyh represents the only species of Pseudidonauton distributed in Taiwan and shares similar wing pattern with no species of Limacodidae here.
Holloway JD. 1986. The Moths of Borneo: Key to families; families Cossidae, Metarbelidae, Ratardidae, Dudgeoneidae, Epipyropidae and Limacodidae. The Malayan Nature Journal 4: 1-166.
Solovyev AV. 2009. Notes on South-East Asian Limacodidae (Lepidoptera, Zygaenoidea) with one new genus and eleven new species. Tijdschirft voor Entomologie 152: 167-173.
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