Choreutis minuta)是舞蛾科/擬捲葉蛾科(Choreutidae)的成員,被歸屬於basalis種群,過去僅知產於日本的琉球群島,在臺灣則尚未被正式紀錄。本種的前翅為黑色底,翅基至內線之間有黃綠色鱗片分佈,內線為白色,內線與外線之間有一條由一大一小">"字形組成的黃綠色條紋,中線為白色,於中央有兩條白帶向外突出,沿中線外側有一條黃色帶,中線至外緣間散佈有黃色鱗片,緣毛有兩段為黃色;後翅為黑色底,中線於中室前端有一小段黃色斑,外線則於靠臀角1/2有黃色線。桑舞蛾屬(
Choreutis)主要集中分布於古北區(Palaearctic region),向南可分佈至近熱帶地區,是一個包含超過48個物種的大屬,臺灣目前僅正式記錄了其中的11種,本種則是尚未發表的第12種。
C. dichlora是翅紋與雙白線黃桑舞蛾最近似的物種,正模產地為中國海南島,其他還有印度阿薩姆的卡西丘陵(Khasi Hills),兩物種僅能由生殖器特徵區分。雙白線黃桑舞蛾過去被置於
A Brief Introduction
With 11 species in Taiwan, Choreutis is the largest genus of Choreutidae contained more than 48 species in the world and distributed majorly in Palaearctic region.
C. minuta, a
species which is only known to be discovered in Ryukyu islands, Japan,
is an unrecorded species in Taiwan and could be easily distinguished from the recorded 11 species by wing pattern.
Arita Y, 1987. Taxonomic studies of the Glyphipterigidae and
Choreutidae (Lepidoptera) of Japan. The Transactions of the Shikoku
Entomological Society 18(1-2): 1-244.
Clarke JFG, 1969. Catalogue of the Type Specimens of
Microlepidoptera in the British Museum (Nature History) Described by
Edward Meyrick: Volume VI, Glyphipterigidae, Gelechiidae. 517pp. London:
Trustees of the British Museum (Nature History).
Diakonoff A, 1986. Microlepidoptera Palaearctica Seventh Volume:
Glyphipterigidae auctorum sensu lato (Glyphipterigidae sensu Meryrick,
1913). 435pp. Braun: Karlsruhe.