Caveana senuri)是折角蛾科(Lecithoceridae)瘤折角蛾亞科(Torodorinae)的成員,目前僅知分布於臺灣。本種的頭部與胸部背方為鮮黃色,下唇鬚發達,鱗片平貼,一般會超過頭部,前足脛節遠體端有一圈黑斑,前翅為黃色底,外緣有一排黑色斑點,翅上各脈之間與中室有黑色長條狀斑紋,呈放射狀,後翅為黑色底,各脈為黃色;腹部背方為黑色。本屬(
Caveana)是一個直到2010年才由亞洲旋蛾總科(Gelechioidea)權威朴奎澤(Park KT)發表,模式種為產於泰國的
C. diemseoki,目前全世界共紀錄兩種。根據Park(2010)的描述,
註:在Park的研究裡,文內使用的是"M2 absent",而翅脈圖中則顯示M2+M3,因此筆者認為Park所表達的意思是M2與M3癒合。
A Brief Introduction
Caveana was a monotypic genus and known to be distributed in Tailand before the study by Park
et al. (2013). The second species is
C. senuri, which is only distributed in Taiwan until now, and could be identified from its conspicuous wing patern: yellowish ground colour with dark and radial stripes on the forewing.
Park KT, 2010. Two new genera,
Caveana gen. nov. and
Triviola gen. nov., and two new
Torodora species from Thailand (Lepidoptera, Lecithoceridae). Entomological Science 13(2): 250–257.
Park KT, Heppner JB & Bar YS, 2013. Two new species of Lecithoceridae (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea), with a revised check list of the family in Taiwan. ZooKeys 263: 47-57.