2014年8月30日 星期六
Paramartyria anmashana Hashimoto, 2000 鞍馬山小翅蛾
鞍馬山小翅蛾(Paramartyria anmashana)是小翅蛾科(Micropterigidae)的成員,目前僅知分布於臺灣大雪山森林遊樂區(鞍馬山)。本種的頭部為橙黃色,鱗片立起,觸角粗,複眼比例大,呈銀色,胸部與腹部為黑色,前翅為深藍紫色底,靠前緣有兩塊白斑,停棲時自然光下可見金屬光澤,後翅為黑色,無其他翅紋。全世界的小翅蛾科目前估計約有21屬160種,臺灣則有其中的2屬11種,分別是小翅蛾屬(Paramartyria)和古小翅蛾屬(Palaeomicroides)。臺灣的小翅蛾屬共記錄4種,目前都僅知分布於臺灣。鞍馬山小翅蛾和圓斑小翅蛾(Par. maculatella)的翅紋與雄性生殖器十分相似,加上目前仍有一個未紀錄種翅紋也是如此,因此本種目前無法僅靠翅紋鑑定,必須搭配地點與發生時間,而生殖器比對則是較可靠的方法。雖然TaiBNET中的鞍馬山小翅蛾被置於古小翅蛾屬下,然而筆者無法找到該處理的原始文獻,加上鞍馬山小翅蛾的特徵吻合小翅蛾屬,因此本文依循Hashimoto的原始處理。圖中的個體來自大雪山森林遊樂區遊客服務中心,2014年7月。
A Brief Introduction
In Taiwan, there are four Paramartyria species are described and endemic. Paramartyria anmashanensis is one of them with 2 white marking on forewing and characterized by male genitalia.
Hashimoto S, 2000. Description of a new species of the genus Paramartyria (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae) from Taiwan. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 51(4): 275-280.
2014年8月13日 星期三
Hepialiscus taiwanus Ueda, 1988 臺灣蝠蛾

A Brief Introduction
Hepialiscus taiwanus represents one of the three Hepialiscus species in Taiwan and is characteristic by the white spots (as red arrow) from the others. Up to date, only one specimen of this species was known and described as the holotype. The individual in present article may be the second specimen of Hepialiscus taiwanus in Taiwan.
Hampson GF, 1892. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Moths-vol. 1. 527pp.
Ueda K, 1988. New species of the genus Hepialiscus Hampson (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae) from Taiwan. Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History 8, 39-54.
Nielsen ES, Robinson GS and Wagner DL, 2000. Ghost moths of the world: a global inventory and bibliography of the Exoporia (Mnesarchaeoidea and Hepialoidea) (Lepidoptera). Journal of Natural History 34: 823 – 878.
2014年5月11日 星期日
Scotopais tristis (Mell, 1922) 紅頸黝斑蛾

A Brief Introduction
Scotopais tristis whose type locality is Guandong, China, is an unrecorded species in Taiwan and could be easily identified from the wing pattern and the red ring of neck and prothorax.
Horie K and Wang M, 2011. Zygaenidae. in Wang M and Kishida Y eds., Moths of Guandong Nanling National Nature Reserve. Druckhaus Frankenbach, Lindenberg, Germany. 373pp.
Trypanophora semihyalina Kollar, 1844 鹿斑蛾

A Brief Introduction
Trypanophora semihyalina represents one of the 6 species of Trypanophora in the world and is distributed in Taiwan (Kinmen and Matsu), China and India. This species is quite similar to some species of Syntomini (Erebidae, Arctiinae), but could be identified by the characters of antennae and hind wing venation.
張永仁,2011。 金色島嶼的六足精靈(下)。金門:金門國家公園管理處。280頁。
Horie K and Wang M, 2011. Zygaenidae. in Wang M and Kishida Y eds., Moths of Guandong Nanling National Nature Reserve. Druckhaus Frankenbach, Lindenberg, Germany. 373pp.
Holloway JD, 2011. The Moths of Borneo: [part 2] Families Phaudidae, Himantopteridae and Zygaenidae; revised and annotated checklist. Malayan Nature Journal 63: 1-548.
2014年2月23日 星期日
Arytrurides inornatus (Walker, 1865)
Arytrurides inornatus是裳蛾科(Erebidae)的成員,分布於臺灣、泰國、尼泊爾。本種的頭、胸與腹部背方為灰色,散布銀白色鱗片,觸角為褐色,前翅外緣於M3位置向外凸出,灰褐色底散布白色鱗片,前中線、中線與後中線為黑褐色,成ㄑ字形,環紋為白色,腎紋外為白色,中央黑褐色,翅頂角有一黑線與外中線連接,外緣線與緣毛為黑褐色,後翅外緣於M3位置向外凸出,灰褐色底散布白色鱗片,中線與後中線為黑色,外緣線與緣毛為黑褐色。本屬(Arytrurides)全世界共紀錄2種,臺灣僅記錄一種,即本種。截至目前為止,A. inornatus尚未正式出現在TaiBNET的資料庫上,也沒有被收錄在1992年的名錄,然而牠其實在1995年已被提及亦產於臺灣(Yoshimoto, 1995)。Yoshimoto對於本種在臺灣分布的描述十分簡短,僅提及臺灣尚未紀錄此種而他有一筆南投縣廬山溫泉採集紀錄。本種在Heppner在2012出版的名錄裡已被收錄,因此可以確定目前的狀態是臺灣已紀錄種。不過筆者尚未檢視到本屬另一種─A. sordidatus的標本照,惟根據其原始描述與圖中個體不符,因此目前鑑定為Arytrurides inornatus。圖中個體為特有生物研究保育中心杉林溪蛾類志工調查隊所提供的標本,採於杉林溪,2013年7月。
A Brief Introduction
Arytrurides inornatus is a little known Erebidae species and recoded in recent 19 years in Taiwan. It represents the only Arytrurides species of in Taiwan and could be identified by the wing pattern.
Heppner JB, 2012. Taiwan Lepidoptera catalog: supplement 1. corrections and additions. Lepidoptera Novae 5(1): 1-84.
Yoshimoto H, 1995. Higher altitude moths and addenda to Parts 1-3: Noctuidae. Tinea 14(Suppl. 2): 49-88.
A Brief Introduction

Heppner JB, 2012. Taiwan Lepidoptera catalog: supplement 1. corrections and additions. Lepidoptera Novae 5(1): 1-84.
Yoshimoto H, 1995. Higher altitude moths and addenda to Parts 1-3: Noctuidae. Tinea 14(Suppl. 2): 49-88.
2014年2月22日 星期六
Cymoriza interruptalis (Wileman & South, 1917)
Cymoriza interruptalis是草螟科(Crambidae)蕨螟亞科(Musotiminae)的成員,目前僅知分布於臺灣。本種的頭部與胸部背方為黑色,觸角基部為白色,觸角為黃褐色,肩片為白色,前翅外緣於M3-CuA1之間向外突出,橙色底,BL與SBL之間的白線短而不明顯,AMG和SBL之間的白線於中室處向外緣突出,不同個體AMG可從橙褐色到黑色,AMW存在,DB1呈一條黑線,中室端部有一條短黑線,ML和WB存在,PMW於CuA1-CuA2之間截斷,並於靠後緣處擴大為梯形,PMG有個體變異,可從橙褐色到黑色,SMW、SML和SMG存在,後翅外緣於M3-CuA1之間和CuA2處向外突出,橙色底,基部有黑色斑,AMG有個體差異,可從橙色到黑色,無WA和WC,DB1和PMW相連,PML分為兩大塊白斑,PMG有個體差異,可從橙色到黑色,SMW、SML和SMG存在,腹部背方白黑相間。Cymoriza屬目前在臺灣共紀錄3種,詳細介紹可參考本網誌的另一篇文章─Cymoriza sp.。臺灣產本屬的已知與未知種翅紋皆相似,惟彼此之間仍有可辨識的差異,C. interruptalis則是這些物種裡體型最小者,展翅1.0-1.6cm,其他物種則至少超過2cm,因此可由體型辨識本種。C. interruptalis原先被至於Ambia下(Wileman & South, 1917),而後被Shibuya(1928)轉入Cymoriza,其理由為:1.前額有輕微的圓形突出;2.後翅Rs脈低於中室的靠前緣的角;3.前翅外緣中央向外突出。C. interruptalis當初發表時使用了兩份1907年採自臺南關仔嶺的標本,正模標本為三月採獲,另一份則為四月,而這兩份標本在2012年以前是僅有的兩份標本;筆者則在2012年於4、8與9月在集集採獲數份標本。圖中個體即為當時採獲的其中兩份標本。
A Brief Introduction
Cymoriza interruptalis represents one of the three Cymoriza species in Taiwan and could be easily identified from the other allied species by the relative small size of wing span (1.0-1.6 cm).
Shibuya J, 1928. The Systematic Study on the Formosan Pyralidae. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University 22(1): 1-318.
Wileman AE and South R, 1917. New species of Pyralidae from Formosa. Entomologist 50: 175–178.

Cymoriza interruptalis represents one of the three Cymoriza species in Taiwan and could be easily identified from the other allied species by the relative small size of wing span (1.0-1.6 cm).
Shibuya J, 1928. The Systematic Study on the Formosan Pyralidae. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University 22(1): 1-318.
Wileman AE and South R, 1917. New species of Pyralidae from Formosa. Entomologist 50: 175–178.
2014年2月14日 星期五
Tinissa indica Robinson, 1976 印度毛脛蕈蛾
印度毛脛蕈蛾(Tinissa indica)是蕈蛾科(Tineidae) Scardiinae的成員,分布於中國、臺灣、印度、錫金與不丹等地。本種的頭部與胸部背方為白色,下唇鬚黑白相間,觸角為黑褐色,前翅為黑褐色底,基部有數枚白斑,沿前緣與後緣都有一排白斑,外中線由一列白斑組成,後翅為黑褐色底,無其他翅紋,腹部背方為黃褐色。毛脛蕈蛾屬(Tinissa)在全世界共記錄41種,其中14種分布於澳洲區,22種來自東方區,5種產於熱帶非洲區(Yang & Li, 2012),臺灣目前僅記錄一種,即本種,無近似種。本屬在外觀上最大的特色就是後足脛節有立起的鱗片,因此筆者在此建議並使用毛脛蕈蛾之中文名。印度毛脛蕈蛾的模式產地為錫金(Robinson, 1976),在原始描述中,臺灣的引證紀錄為檢視來自關仔嶺的標本。圖中個體解剖後,筆者發現生殖器第八節腹板的骨化較文獻中所示的發達,且前庭的骨化也較為發達,第9+10節亦相對長很多,惟前兩個特徵在形狀上與印度毛脛蕈蛾仍然吻合,第三個特徵可能因為文獻中的未完全拖出而有判斷上的誤差,故仍然鑑定為印度毛脛蕈蛾,但未來可能需要進行更多解剖比較以確定上述差異是否僅為個體變異。照片中的標本來自宜蘭蘇澳,2013年8月。
A Brief Introduction
Tinissa indica represents the only species of Tinissa in Taiwan and is strong characteristic by the "fuzzy" tibia of hind leg and special wing pattern.
Robinson GS, 1976. A taxonomic revision of the Tinissinae of the world (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology 32 (7): 253-300.
Yang L and Li H, 2012. Review of the genus Tinissa Walker, 1864 (Lepidoptera, Tineidae, Scardiinae) from China, with description of five new species. Zookeys 228: 1-20.
A Brief Introduction
Tinissa indica represents the only species of Tinissa in Taiwan and is strong characteristic by the "fuzzy" tibia of hind leg and special wing pattern.
Robinson GS, 1976. A taxonomic revision of the Tinissinae of the world (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology 32 (7): 253-300.
Yang L and Li H, 2012. Review of the genus Tinissa Walker, 1864 (Lepidoptera, Tineidae, Scardiinae) from China, with description of five new species. Zookeys 228: 1-20.
2014年2月13日 星期四
Camptochilus bisulcus Chu & Wang, 1991 叉紋拱肩窗蛾
叉紋拱肩窗蛾(Camptochilus bisulcus)是窗蛾科(Thyrididae)劍窗蛾亞科(Siculinae)的成員,目前僅知分布於中國四川、福建與廣東等地(Zhu & Wang, 1996; Owada & Wang, 2011),臺灣則為尚未正式紀錄之產地。本種的頭胸腹部背方為黃色,觸角為黃褐色,前翅為黃色底,佈滿褐色縱向細紋,亞外緣線為褐色,前緣近頂角處有一枚紅色大三角斑,近臀角處有一塊方形淡紅斑,緣毛為褐色,後翅僅亞外緣線到外緣間為黃色,其餘皆為淡紅色,佈滿褐色縱向細紋。拱肩窗蛾屬(Camptochilus),在大陸共有6種(Zhu & Wang, 1996),臺灣目前僅紀錄2種(註)。叉紋拱肩窗蛾前後翅的淡紅色斑十分特殊,可以同屬其他物種加以區分,且雄蟲生殖器亦十分特別。圖中個體來自奧萬大,2013年4月。
註:在中國動物誌5中,金盞窗蛾(Pyrinioides sinuosus)被置於拱肩窗蛾屬下。
A Brief Introduction
Camptochilus bisulcus is an unrecorded species of Thyrididae in Taiwan and characteristic by the red markings of both wings.
Zhu H and Wang L, 1996. Fauna Sinica, Insecta, vol. 5, Lepidoptera: Bombycidae, Saturniidae, Thyrididae. Beijing: Science Press. 302 pp., XVIII pls.
Owada M and Wang M, 2011. Thyrididae. in Wang M and Kishida Y eds., Moths of Guandong Nanling National Nature Reserve. Druckhaus Frankenbach, Lindenberg, Germany. 373pp.

A Brief Introduction
Camptochilus bisulcus is an unrecorded species of Thyrididae in Taiwan and characteristic by the red markings of both wings.
Zhu H and Wang L, 1996. Fauna Sinica, Insecta, vol. 5, Lepidoptera: Bombycidae, Saturniidae, Thyrididae. Beijing: Science Press. 302 pp., XVIII pls.
Owada M and Wang M, 2011. Thyrididae. in Wang M and Kishida Y eds., Moths of Guandong Nanling National Nature Reserve. Druckhaus Frankenbach, Lindenberg, Germany. 373pp.
2014年2月4日 星期二
Chadisra bipartita (Matsumura, 1925) 山黃麻木舟蛾
山黃麻木舟蛾 / 壁帢舟蛾(Chadisra bipartita)是舟蛾科(Notodontidae),從巴基斯坦、印度西北方─東北方、尼泊爾、緬甸、越南、寮國、馬來半島、蘇門答臘、中國南方一直分布到臺灣與日本。頭部與胸部背方為黃褐色至暗褐色,觸角為褐色,櫛齒短而不發達;前翅翅紋與顏色個體變異甚大,基半部雄蟲為黃褐色,雌蟲為褐色至暗褐色,基半部布有許多黑色條紋,呈現「木紋」狀,內線靠後緣處有一枚黑色橢圓斑,中線黑色,在中室下方向翅基凹入,端半部從灰綠色、灰白色到灰黑色,外中線為黑色波浪狀,外中線外側在前緣與後緣各有一枚與基半部顏色相同之斑紋,亞外緣線為一排黑點,後翅為灰白色底,中室外側為灰黑色,臀角有一枚小黑斑;腹部背方為黃褐色至暗褐色,佈有許多黑色鱗片。木舟蛾屬(Chadisra)主要從日本、臺灣、中國、印度北方、尼泊爾、巽他大陸、菲律賓、東方區熱帶地區分布至澳洲,目前紀錄超過25種,非洲與馬達加斯加亦有數種被記錄;古北區則僅記錄2種:山黃麻木舟蛾和紫線黃舟蛾(C. bipars),皆分布於臺灣(Schintlmeister, 2008)。這兩種木舟蛾的翅紋皆有雌雄二型性,前翅翅紋十分相近,同種個體間變異大,加上中文圖鑑存在鑑定錯誤的問題,過去有中文名與學名混淆的狀況。山黃麻木舟蛾與紫線黃舟蛾外觀最重要的辨認特徵在:1.前者成蟲後翅的顏色為灰白色,後者為灰褐色;2.前者幼蟲腹部第8節末端有尾狀突起,後者無。根據以上特徵,沈永強(1993)書中所提及之C. bipartita被錯誤鑑定為C. bipars,而王效岳(1995)書中的C. bipars雄蟲則被錯誤鑑定為C. bipartita雄蟲。圖中標本來自新北市新店,2011年11月,由蛾友黃淑賢(福勞爾)小姐提供。
A Brief Introduction
Chadisra bipartita is a wide spread species of Notodontidae and represents one of the two Chadisra species in Taiwan. Fore wing pattern of this species is quite various, with sexual dimorphism, and similar as that of C. bipars, the other species of Chadisra recorded in Taiwan. The present species could be identified from the other one by the paler color of hind wing.
Schintlmeister A, 2008. Palaearctic Macrolepidoptera Volume 1: Notodontidae. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 482pp. (P.272)
沈永強,1993。扇平地區舟蛾科昆蟲生活史之研究。 臺北:臺灣省林業試驗所。109頁。
張保信,1989。臺灣蛾類圖說(二):燈蛾科 擬燈蛾科 刺蛾科 舟蛾科。臺北:臺灣省立博物館。310頁。(P.227-228)
Chadisra bipartita is a wide spread species of Notodontidae and represents one of the two Chadisra species in Taiwan. Fore wing pattern of this species is quite various, with sexual dimorphism, and similar as that of C. bipars, the other species of Chadisra recorded in Taiwan. The present species could be identified from the other one by the paler color of hind wing.
Schintlmeister A, 2008. Palaearctic Macrolepidoptera Volume 1: Notodontidae. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 482pp. (P.272)
沈永強,1993。扇平地區舟蛾科昆蟲生活史之研究。 臺北:臺灣省林業試驗所。109頁。
張保信,1989。臺灣蛾類圖說(二):燈蛾科 擬燈蛾科 刺蛾科 舟蛾科。臺北:臺灣省立博物館。310頁。(P.227-228)
Palpita homalia Inoue, 1996 長鋏絹鬚野螟
長鋏絹鬚野螟(Palpita homalia)是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員,分布於日本琉球群島與台灣。本種的翅紋與彎囊絹鬚野螟非常相似,根據原始發表文獻描述,兩者無法靠翅紋區分,且有混棲的現象,進一步資訊可參考本網誌文章。雖然有多個物種十分相似,長鋏絹鬚野螟仍可藉由雄蟲與雌蟲生殖器與其他近似種加以區分,其中較長且形狀特殊的抱器鋏是和彎囊絹鬚野螟最重要的區別特徵之一,故筆者將本種取名為「長鋏」;此外,陰莖上的角狀器也是重要的區別特徵。圖中個體來自屏東大漢山,2011年1月。
A Brief Introduction
Palpita homalia represents one of the 10 Palpita species in Taiwan and could be not identified from P. hypohomalia and the other allied species unless dissection is applied.
Inoue H, 1996. Revision of the genus Palpita Hübner (Crambidae: Pyraustinae) from the Eastern Palaearctic, Oriental and Australian Region. Part 1. Tinea 15 (1): 12-46.
A Brief Introduction
Palpita homalia represents one of the 10 Palpita species in Taiwan and could be not identified from P. hypohomalia and the other allied species unless dissection is applied.
Inoue H, 1996. Revision of the genus Palpita Hübner (Crambidae: Pyraustinae) from the Eastern Palaearctic, Oriental and Australian Region. Part 1. Tinea 15 (1): 12-46.
2014年1月29日 星期三
Filodes fulvidorsalis (Geyer, 1832) 黃脊絲角野螟

A Brief Introduction
Filodes fulvidorsalis distributed in India, SE Asia and Japan is a relative huge species of Crambidae and could be identified from wing pattern easily. This species was recorded in Taiwan recently (Heppner, 2012).
Heppner JB, 2012. Taiwan Lepidoptera catalog: supplement 1. corrections and additions. Lepidoptera Novae 5(1): 1-84.
Yamanaka H, 2000. Filodes fulvidorsalis (Geyer) (Crambidae, Pyraustinae) from Okinawa Island. Japan Heterocerists' Journal 210: 181-183.
2014年1月28日 星期二
Goniocraspedon variegata Holloway, 2005
Goniocraspedon variegata是裳蛾科(Erebidae,過去是夜蛾科底下的亞科)的成員,亞科級未定,分布於婆羅洲、馬來西亞與臺灣。本種的頭胸腹部被方皆為褐色,雄蟲觸角雙櫛齒狀,前翅為褐色底,前中線、中線、後中線與亞外緣線為黑色鋸齒狀,前中線、後中線與亞外緣線靠前緣處有米黃色斑,腎紋外緣包圍黑色線,亞外緣黑色線緊鄰另一條米黃色線,前緣於M3-CuA1末端處向外突出,後翅為灰黑色底,中線、後中線與亞外緣線靠內緣處較明顯,呈黑色波浪狀,同時各自緊鄰一條米黃色線。Goniocraspedon全世界目前共紀錄4種,主要分布於東南亞地區,印度、婆羅州、馬來西亞、新幾內亞與臺灣等地,臺灣目前僅記錄一種,即本種。G. variegata在臺灣無近似種,可以靠翅紋辨識。雖然本種直到2005年才由Holloway發表,然而在王效岳(1994)出版的認識臺灣的昆蟲8中已有標本照,惟當時使用的組合是Goniocraspidum polyidus,為一個錯誤的學名組合(註),且該種與G. variegata為不同物種。圖中的個體來自南投縣集集鎮,2011年12月採獲。
註:Goniocraspidum polyidus的正確組合應為Redectis polyidus。
A Brief Introduction
Goniocraspedon is a Erebidae genus with only four species in the world and distributed in SE asia. G. variegata represents one member of the above genus distributed in Borneo, Malaysia, and Taiwan and shares no similar wing pattern with the other Erebid species in Taiwan.
Holloway JD, 2005. The moths of Borneo. Parts 15 & 16, Noctuidae: Catocalinae. Malayan Nature Journal 58(1–4): 1–529.
註:Goniocraspidum polyidus的正確組合應為Redectis polyidus。
A Brief Introduction
Goniocraspedon is a Erebidae genus with only four species in the world and distributed in SE asia. G. variegata represents one member of the above genus distributed in Borneo, Malaysia, and Taiwan and shares no similar wing pattern with the other Erebid species in Taiwan.
Holloway JD, 2005. The moths of Borneo. Parts 15 & 16, Noctuidae: Catocalinae. Malayan Nature Journal 58(1–4): 1–529.
2014年1月20日 星期一
Leucophlebia lineata Westwood, 1847 黃條天蛾

A Brief Introduction
Leucophlebia lineata is the only species of Leucophlebia in SE Asia and shares no similar wing pattern with the other sphingid moths in this area. This species is prominent and rare in Taiwan, but regarded as a pest of sugar cane in other countries.
Kitching IJ & Cadiou JM, 2000. Hawkmoths Of The World: An Annotated And Illustrated Revisonary Checklist (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), x + 227pp., 8 pls. Ithaca & London, USA & UK: Cornell University Press.
Pittaway AR & Kitching IJ, 2011. Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic
(including Siberia, the Russian Far East, Mongolia, China, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula and Japan). (http://tpittaway.tripod.com/china/t_sil.htm)
2014年1月16日 星期四
Epicopeia mencia Moore, 1874 榆鳳蛾

A Brief Introduction
Epicopeia mencia represents one of the two Epicopeia species in Taiwan and is characterized from the other species by two row of red markings on hind wing. Two forms are present in both sex of E. mencia: normal and white-banded. The former was proposed to mimic Byasa alcinous (Papilionidae), while the later was Pachliopta aristolochiae (Papilionidae).
Endo T and Kishida Y, 1999. Day-Flying Moths: Chalcosiinae, Epicopeia. Endless Collection Series 8. Tokyo: Endless Science Information. 119 pp.
Inoue H, 1978. Genus Epicopeia Westwood from Japan, Korea and Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Epicopeidae). Tyô to Ga (Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan) 29(2): 69-75.
Okano M, 1958. New or little known moths from Formosa (1). Annual Report of the Gakugei Faculty of the Iwate University 13(2): 51-56.
Okano M, 1964. On the Formosan species of the family Epicopeidae (Lepidoptera). Tohoku Konchu Kenkyu (Morioka) 1: 25-26.
Yen SH, Mu JH and Jean JL, 1995. The life histories and biology of Epicopeiidae of Taiwan. Tyô to Ga (Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan) 46: 175–184.
Pleuroptya characteristica (Warren, 1896) 角黑斑扇野螟

註:TaiBNET上共有17種,然而P. austa已被轉入Pronomis屬下,故應只有16種。
A Brief Introduction
Pleuroptya characteristica is an unrecorded Pleuroptya species in Taiwan and proposed to be identified from the other 16 species by the dark marking of fore wing near anal angle.
Inoue H, Sugi S, Kuroko H, Moriuti S and Kawabe A, 1982. Moths of Japan: Volume 2. Tokyo: Kodansha. 552pp, 392plates.
2014年1月15日 星期三
Mesorhynchaglaea tarokoensis Sugi, 1990 太魯閣中長喙夜蛾
A Brief Introduction
Mesorhynchaglaea tarokoensis represents one of the two Mesorhynchaglaea spcies and an endemic species to Taiwan up to date. Although wing markings of the two Mesorhynchaglaea members are so similar that genitalia comparison is necessary to identify them, M. tarokoensis shares similar wing pattern with no species in Taiwan.
Ronkay L., Fu CM, Wu S and Ronkay G. 2013. Xyleninae. In Fu CM, Ronkay L and Lin HH eds., Moths of Hehuanshan. Nantou: Endemic Species Research Institute, 557pp.+45plates.
Sugi S, 1990. A new species of Mesorhynchaglaea (Noctuidae, Cucullidae) from Taiwan. TINEA 13(1):1-3.
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