2011年3月18日 星期五

Pterotopteryx spilodesma (Meyrick, 1908)

Pterotopteryx spilodesma是多翼蛾科(Alucitidae)的成員,分布於東方區的印度、菲律賓與臺灣等地。本種的前翅共分裂為六羽枝,每羽枝皆為黃褐色底,有白色與黑色與褐色斑塊,這些斑塊組成了兩條白-黑-褐-黑-白的寬帶;後翅亦分裂為六羽枝,有白色與黑色與黃色斑塊,其中由前緣算起的第五羽枝(CuA2)有兩塊較大的黃褐色斑;頭胸腹背方以黃褐色為主,胸部有兩條黑帶,腹部各節有白點。圖中個體產於碧綠神木。 

A Brief Introduction Pterotopteryx spilodesma represents one species of Alucitidae in Taiwan and is characterized by its wing pattern. In the past, Alucitidae was deposited under Pterophoridae and then raised to family level. One major differece between Alucitidae and Pterophorida is that forewing and hindwing of the former are split to six parts while the later are two to three parts. 

Hashimoto S, 1984. The genus Alucita of Japan (Lepidoptera, Alucitidae). Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. 34(3): 111-123.

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Alucita niveodactyla Pagenstecher 甘藷白鳥羽蛾

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