松村氏淺翅鳳蛾(Epicopeia hainesii matsumurai)是鳳蛾科(Epicopeidae)的成員,本亞種目前僅知分布於臺灣中央山脈海拔500-2000公尺的山區(Yen, Mu & Jean, 1997)。本種的頭胸腹部背面黑色,足為紅色,腹部腹面黑紅相間,雄蟲櫛齒較雌蟲發達,前翅前緣、外緣與赤脈為黑色,雄蟲翅形較雌蟲狹長,後翅外緣為黑色,靠頂角處有尾凸,M1和M2脈延伸入尾凸,靠外緣有一排紅斑,個體顏色變異甚大,前後翅可從白色底到黑色底。鳳蛾屬(Epicopeia)在臺灣僅紀錄2種,兩者之間的差異可參考本網誌的另一篇文章─榆鳳蛾。淺翅鳳蛾(Epicopeia hainesii)分布於中國、韓國、日本與臺灣,目前共有4個亞種,中韓為E. h. sinicaria,日本有E. h. hainesii和E. h. tsushimana兩個亞種,臺灣則為松村氏淺翅鳳蛾(Inoue 1978, Endo & Kishida 1999)。本種成蟲主要發生於4-10月(時空分布模式可參考連結),根據文獻推測一年兩代(Yen, Mu & Jean, 1997),幼生期可參考以下連結─松村氏淺翅鳳蛾幼蟲。圖中個體來自南投縣仁愛鄉尖台林道,2015年5月。
A Brief Introduction
Epicopeia is an astonishing genus share high similarity of wing pattern with some Troidini species. E. hainesii matsumurai represents one member of this genus and could be easily distinguished from E. mencia by only one row of red markings near termen.
Endo T and Kishida Y, 1999. Day-Flying Moths: Chalcosiinae, Epicopeia. Endless Collection Series 8. Tokyo: Endless Science Information. 119 pp.
Inoue H, 1978. Genus Epicopeia Westwood from Japan, Korea and Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Epicopeidae). Tyô to Ga (Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan) 29(2): 69-75.
Yen SH, Mu JH and Jean JL, 1995. The life histories and biology of Epicopeiidae of Taiwan. Tyô to Ga (Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan) 46: 175–184.
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