Anarsia euphorodes是旋蛾科(Gelechiidae)旋蛾亞科(Gelechiinae)的成員,分布於中國南方與台灣。本種的前翅為灰色,前緣中央有一小塊三角斑;後翅為灰褐色,無其他翅紋。條旋蛾屬(Anarsia)在全世界共被紀錄100餘種,大部份分布於古北區、東方區與非洲衣索比亞區,少部份分布於澳洲與新熱帶區;台灣目前共紀錄8種,全部來自於Park(1995)的研究。Anarsia euphorodes可以藉由以下特徵與其他條旋蛾區別:1.前翅前緣有一個小三角黑斑,約前翅寬度1/4;2.前翅長度6.3-6.5mm。其中,第二個特徵是為了與A. aspera區別,除了大小外,僅能從生殖器區別兩種。
A Brief Introduction
The species of Anarsia in Taiwan was firstly and entirely reviewed by Park (1995). Before his work, there were no Anarsia species recorded in Taiwan. A. euphorodes represents one of the eight members of Anarsia in Taiwan and could be distiguished from A. aspera by larger and more elongate forewing and from othe species by small triangular marking on forewing.