八點篩蛾(Ethmia octanoma)是草潛蛾科(Elachistidae)篩蛾亞科(Ethmiinae),目前僅知分布於台灣。本種的前翅為灰色底,外緣有一排黑色點狀斑紋,翅面上則另外有六個較大的黑點斑紋;後翅為灰色底,內緣為黃色。八點篩蛾被置於lapidella種群,與同種群的厚殼樹篩蛾翅紋十分接近,其分辨方法請見本網誌另一篇文章─厚殼樹篩蛾。本種目前已知分佈於高雄柴山地區與恆春半島,似乎與食草─恆春後殼樹密切相關,且與厚殼樹篩蛾共域分布。
A Brief Introduction
Ethmia octanoma represents a member of Ethmia in Taiwan and shared quite similar wing pattern with E. lapidella. The two species could be identified by the following characters: 1.three black spots on apical portion of E. octanoma's forewing while four on E. lapidella's forewing; 2. yellowish posterior margin of E. octanoma's hindwing while greyish on E. lapidella's hindwing.