三色豔苔蛾("Asura" tricolor)是燈蛾科(Arctiidae)苔蛾亞科(Lithosiinae)的成員,分佈於中國與臺灣。本種的前翅為紅色底,亞外緣有黃色斑,後中線與中線各有一條波狀粗黑線,並於近中室頂端處有兩處向外凸出,中室有一枚黃斑,靠翅基有一"K字形"黑斑,翅基有三枚小黑點;後翅為淡粉紅色底,沒有其他翅紋。豔苔蛾屬(Asura)在臺灣共記錄了六種,三色豔苔蛾的粗黑線與紅斑與其他種類差異甚大,不難區分。然而根據Holloway (2001)的研究,豔苔蛾屬應是一個僅侷限分布於澳洲區,有著黑黃斑紋的類群,此一屬級概念也被Cerny & Pinratana(2009)沿用。過去被置於此屬下且分布於臺灣的梯紋豔苔蛾(Lyclene acteola)被轉入Lyclene(Holloway, 2001),而三色豔苔蛾的屬級地位截至目前為止尚未以新的概念重新檢視,因此其適切的歸屬仍有待後續比較,因此此處先使用屬級地位待確認的符號─""。圖中個體採於苗栗汶水國小。
A Brief Introduction
"Asura" tricolor represents one of the six species of Asura in Taiwan and is characterized by its unique wing pattern. The concept of Asura is reviewed by Holloway (2001) and is restricted to an Australian group with wing pattern banded in yellow and black. Here, I follow this concept and treat this species as a genus-uncertain species.
Holloway JD, 2001. The Moths of Borneo Part 7: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae. Malayan Nature Journal 55: 279-486.(P.341)
Cerny K & Pinratana A, 2009. Moths of Thailand Vol. Six: Arctiidae. pp.283. Brothers of Saint Gabriel in Thailand.