2010年11月14日 星期日

Loryma recusata (Walker, [1863])

Loryma recusata是螟蛾科(Pyralidae)螟蛾亞科(Pyralinae)的成員,分佈於印度、泰國、西馬來西亞、蘇門答臘、婆羅洲、新幾內亞與台灣。本種的前翅為黃褐色底,分佈有密度不一的黑點,沿各脈為白色,外緣與亞外緣線為淡黃褐色,中線為白色,呈肘狀;後翅為白色底,靠頂角處有黑色點分佈;停棲時會將腹部彎曲,挺起頭部、胸部與腹部前段,猶如「站立」。本屬全世界共記錄約15種,絕大多數種類分佈於非洲熱帶區,除了本種。L. recusata在台灣無進似種,辨認容易,圖中個體來自於霧社仁愛高農。

A Brief Introduction

As an exclusion of Loryma, a genus mainly distributed in Afrotropical region, L. recusata has been recorded from India to New Guinea and Taiwan. Recognition of L. recusata is so easy because no species shares similar wing pattern with it.

Robinson GS, Tuck KR, Shaffer M. and Cook K, 1994. The smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur.
