2010年11月13日 星期六

Nosphistica acriella Park, 2002

Nosphistica acriella是折角蛾科(Lecithoceridae)的成員,原本僅知分佈於泰國,在台灣是一個尚未發表的新記錄種。本種的前翅為黑褐色底,翅頂角向外尖凸出,靠頂角處為橙色,亞外緣線白色弧形,腎紋外圈為白色,翅基有白色斑;後翅為黑色底,靠外緣1/2為灰色,翅頂角向外尖凸出,凸出部份為橙色,亞外緣線與後中線為白色,僅達翅1/2,臀角有一塊黑色斑。關於本屬成員的分佈與相關資訊請參考本網誌另一篇文章─Nosphistica bisinuata Park, 2002。本種是直到2002年才被發表的種類,模式產地為曼谷的拷艾國家公園(Khao Yai National Park),目前僅知一份正模雄性標本,無其他記錄。與其他種類相比,僅知產於台灣的N. fuscolepis、產於越南的N. owadai與本種的翅形與翅紋最接近,但本種的前翅的M3脈仍然存在,另兩種則缺M3脈;此外,本種與N. owadai的色調較偏暗黑褐色,N. fuscolepis則偏向亮白色。N. acriella的種名"acriella"意指尖銳"acute",用以說明前後翅頂角尖凸的特徵。圖中個體來自雲林古坑的華山國小。

A Brief Introduction

Nosphistica acriella does not include in the five Nosphistica species which are known to be distributed in Taiwan and is regarded as an endemic species in Tailand until today. However, in the survey of Lepidoptera diverity in Hua-Shan Elementary School this year, one specimen of N. acriella was collected. This species shares similar wing pattern with N. fuscolepis (Taiwan) and N. owadai (Vietnam), but could be identified by darker ground colour of both wings and M3 vien of forwing present.

Park KT, 2002. A revision of the genus Nosphistica Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Lecithoceridae). Zoological Studies. 41(3): 251-262.
Park KT, 2005. Two new species of the genus Nophistica Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Lecithoceridae) from China and Vietnam. Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology. 8(2): 123-125.
