雙白帶野螟(Hymenia perspectalis)是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員,廣泛分布於中國、台灣、韓國、日本、亞洲南部、非洲、南北美洲與澳洲。本種的前翅為灰褐色底,外中線為白色,由前緣延伸至約中央,中室前端有一個白色圓斑,中線為白色,由中室向下延伸至後緣,內線為白色;後翅亦為黑褐色底,中線為白色寬帶。本屬在全世界共紀錄六種,除了本種廣泛分布於全球外,另有三種分布於印澳區,兩種分布於馬達加斯加,在台灣則僅記錄一種。雙白帶野螟雖然在台灣無同屬近緣種,但其翅紋乍看之下與甜菜青野螟 (Spoladea recurvalis)很類似,可藉由以下特徵區分:1.前者前翅灰褐色斑與黑褐色斑交雜,後者則為深褐色帶有橄欖綠色光澤;2.前者白色內線明顯,後者則不明顯;3.前者中線不發達且分成兩段,後者中線發達且為一寬帶。圖中個體來自苗栗汶水國小泰安分班。
A Brief Introduction
Hymenia perspectalis represents the only speccies of Hymenia in Taiwan and shares similar wing pattern with Spoladea recurvalis. Three external characters could be applied to identified this two species: 1.grey-brownish ground colour with dark markings on the forewing of the former, while red-brownish ground colour with Green on the forewing of the latter; 2. the wite bands on forewing and hindwing undeveloped of the foremer than those of the latter.
Robinson GS, Tuck KR, Shaffer M. and Cook K, 1994. The smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur.