2011年8月14日 星期日
Polythlipta maceratalis Lederer, 1863
Polythlipta maceratalis是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員,分布於台灣、印度、斯里蘭卡、泰國、印尼與新幾內亞。本種的前翅為白色底,前緣與外緣為黃色邊,頂角處有一大塊黑色嵌黃褐色斑,有四個白色鏤空或呈一條白色帶,後緣近臀角處與翅基1/2皆有由黃褐色外包黑色邊的斑紋;後翅亦為白色底,外緣為黃色邊,頂角有一小塊黑褐色斑,中央有兩條黃褐色外包黑色邊的斑紋,各由前緣與後緣往中央沿伸且未相接,中室中央有兩個黑褐色斑。Polythlipta目前在臺灣共紀錄兩種,詳細比較請參考本網誌文章:P. divaricata Moore, [1886]。此外,除了上述文章中提及的前翅特徵外,兩種後翅後中線亦有差異:後中線中央的黑色小斑在P. maceratalis明顯"游離",而在P. divaricata則幾乎相接。在王效岳與史派德「認識臺灣的昆蟲19」中,他們將P. macralis處理為本種的同物異名,然而比對Robinson et al. (1994)的圖後,可以發現後者書中的P. macralis與本種差異甚大,因此作者對於此同物異名處理暫時持保留看法。圖中個體採於苗栗桃園國小,2010年11月。
A Brief Introduction
Polythlipta maceratalis represents one of the Polythlipta species in Taiwan and shares very similar wing pattern with P. divaricata. The former could be identified from the latter by the following characters: 1. SMW on forewing continuous in the former but uncontinious in the latter; 2. the small dark marking near the middle of PML on hindwing far away from PML in the former but almost connected with PML in the later.
Robinson GS, Tuck KR, Shaffer M. and Cook K, 1994. The smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur.
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