2010年6月8日 星期二

Hypatima spathota (Meyrick, 1913) 芒果蠻旋蛾

芒果蠻旋蛾(Hypatima spathota)是旋蛾科/麥蛾科(Gelechiidae) Chelariinae的成員,分布於台灣、日本、印度、柬埔寨與澳洲等地。本種的前翅狹長,為黑色底,沿後緣為米白色,前緣近頂角有一些白色紋;後翅為灰褐色底,無其他翅紋。蠻旋蛾屬(Hypatima)台灣的狀況請參考本網誌文章─Hypatima rhomboidella (Linneaus, 1758) 樺蠻麥蛾。芒果蠻旋蛾原本被Meyrick置於Chelaria下,而後Satler在1989年將之轉入Hypatima。本種翅紋在同屬內無近似種,但與蕈蛾科的Pyloetis mimosae乍看之下十分相似,但至少可藉由以下特徵區別:1.前者下唇鬚發達,後者則無;2.前者後翅較寬,但後者相當狹窄;3.前者體形較後者大。根據Park(1995)的研究所引證的標本推測,本種在全島低中海拔山區皆有機會發現。

A Brief Introduction

As a member of the 7 Hypatima species, H. spathota was recorded in Taiwan until Park’s excellent study on this genus in 1995. The wing pattern of H. spathota is so unique that identification of this species is quite easy. However, Pyloetis mimosae (Tineidae) shares similar wing pattern with it and could be distinguished by the following characters: 1. labial palpa; 2. shape of hindwing.
